DJabberd and Net::Jabber
Mika Raento
mikie at
Wed May 9 07:14:42 UTC 2007
Tim Keefer kirjoitti:
> I'm trying to do some simple client server communication with djabberd
> and Net::Jabber. The server starts fine, but when connecting with
> Net::Jabber or Net::XMPP it just hangs on the connect method. Are
> there some other client libraries I should using when communicating
> with the djabberd server? Below is the djabberd conf and the
> Net::Jabber script.
Net::Jabber is not exactly the greatest. It has its own broken XML
parser. See for a
'fix'. I wouldn't consider it a viable option for production code.
I did a very non-pretty client (as in I copied the code rather than
refactoring) by combinging code from DJabberd::Connection and the
djabberd test code. Attached in case anybody finds a use for it. I use
it for load testing. The client script won't run out-of-the-box since it
depends on local additions, but it shows you how to use the
ClientConnection. It only does authentication, you have to add any other
stanza handling you need.
> Thanks,
> -Tim
-------------- next part --------------
use lib 'lib';
use DJabberd::JID;
use strict;
use Digest::SHA1;
my $COUNT=200*5;
#my $initial_sleep=5;
my @children;
my $wait_between=4*60;
my $initial_sleep=$wait_between;
#my $wait_between=10;
my @clients;
my $pass=Digest::SHA1::sha1_hex("password");
for (my $i=0; $i<$COUNT; $i++) {
my $j=$i;
Danga::Socket->AddTimer(rand($initial_sleep), sub {
my $jid=new DJabberd::JID('lt_' . $j . '');
my $c=new Client($jid, $pass);
package Client;
use base 'DJabberd::ClientConnection';
use IO::Handle;
use Socket;
use DJabberd::Util;
use Jaiku::Presence qw(mysql_datetime current_time current_timestamp format_datetime);
use strict;
use fields qw(suspended);
our $iterations;
sub new {
my ($class, $jid, $password) = @_;
my $sock;
my $proto = getprotobyname('tcp');
socket $sock, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto;
unless ($sock && defined fileno($sock)) {
die "Cannot alloc socket";
my $ip="XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX";
connect $sock, Socket::sockaddr_in(7224, Socket::inet_aton($ip));
IO::Handle::blocking($sock, 0);
my $self = $class->SUPER::new($sock, $jid, $pass);
return $self;
sub send_presence {
my $self=shift;
my $iter=shift;
my $timestamp=format_datetime(current_time());
my $presencev2="<presencev2><usergiven><since>20010101T010101</since><description>XXX</description></usergiven></presencev2>";
my $pv2=$presencev2;
my $xml="<presence><status>" . $timestamp . DJabberd::Util::exml($pv2) . "</status></presence>";
if ($iter<$iterations) {
if ( rand(100) < 15 ) {
} else {
Danga::Socket->AddTimer($wait_between+rand(5), sub {
} else {
sub on_logged_in {
my $self=shift;
$self->log_outgoing_data("<clientversion value='5' xmlns='' />");
$self->write("<clientversion value='5' xmlns='' />");
sub suspend {
my $self=shift;
return if($self->{suspended});
$self->write("<suspend xmlns='' />");
sub resume {
my $self=shift;
return unless ($self->{suspended});
$self->write("<resume xmlns='' />");
sub on_stanza_received {
my $self=shift;
my $node=shift;
my $element=$node->element;
if ($element=~/tuple/) {
my $xml=$node->as_xml;
$self->log->info("received tuple");
if ($xml=~m!id>(\d+)</id!) {
my $id=$1;
$self->write("<ack xmlns=''>$id</ack>");
return if ($element=~/messagecount/);
if ($element=~/presence/) {
$self->log->info("server having problem: received presence");
-------------- next part --------------
package DJabberd::ClientConnection;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'Danga::Socket';
use Compress::Zlib;
use fields (
'bound_jid', # undef until resource binding - then DJabberd::JID object
'stream_id', # undef until set first time
'version', # the DJabberd::StreamVersion we negotiated
'rcvd_features', # the features stanza we've received from the other party
'log', # Log::Log4perl object for this connection
'xmllog', # Log::Log4perl object that controls raw xml logging
'id', # connection id, used for logging purposes
'iqctr', # iq counter. incremented whenever we SEND an iq to the party (roster pushes, etc)
'in_stream', # bool: true if we're in a stream tag
'counted_close', # bool: temporary here to track down the overcounting of disconnects
'not_read_yet', # bool: have we received anything yet
'do_compress', # bool: are we using ZLib
'ostream', # ZLib object for output
'istream', # ZLib object for input
'state', # state of the connection
'password', 'stream_start'
our $connection_id = 1;
use XML::SAX ();
use DJabberd::XMLParser;
use Digest::SHA1 qw(sha1_hex);
use DJabberd::SAXHandler;
use DJabberd::JID;
use DJabberd::IQ;
use DJabberd::Message;
use DJabberd::Util qw(exml tsub);
use Data::Dumper;
use Carp qw(croak);
use DJabberd::Log;
our $hook_logger = DJabberd::Log->get_logger("DJabberd::Hook");
use constant POLLIN => 1;
use constant POLLOUT => 4;
#use constant XMLDEBUG => "/tmp/djabberd/";
use constant XMLDEBUG => "";
our %LOGMAP;
sub new {
my ($class, $sock, $jid, $pass) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new($sock);
$self->{log} = DJabberd::Log->get_logger($class);
# hack to inject XML after Connection:: in the logger category
my $xml_category = $class;
$xml_category =~ s/Connection::/Connection::XML::/;
#$self->{xmllog} = DJabberd::Log->get_logger($xml_category);
$self->{xmllog} = $self->{log};
my $fromip = $self->peer_ip_string || "<undef>";
system("mkdir -p " . XMLDEBUG ."$$/");
my $handle = IO::Handle->new;
no warnings;
my $from = $fromip || "outbound";
my $filename = "+>" . XMLDEBUG . "/$$/$from-$self->{id}";
open ($handle, $filename) || $self->log->logdie("Cannot open $filename: $!");
$LOGMAP{$self} = $handle;
return $self;
sub log {
return $_[0]->{log};
sub xmllog {
return $_[0]->{xmllog};
sub handler {
return $_[0]->{saxhandler};
sub bound_jid {
my DJabberd::ClientConnection $self = $_[0];
return $self->{bound_jid};
sub new_iq_id {
my DJabberd::ClientConnection $self = shift;
return "iq$self->{iqctr}";
sub log_outgoing_data {
my ($self, $text) = @_;
if($self->xmllog->is_debug) {
$self->xmllog->debug("$self->{id} > " . ($text || ""));
} else {
local $DJabberd::ASXML_NO_TEXT = 1;
$self->xmllog->info( ($self->{id} || "") . " > " . ($text || ""));
sub log_incoming_data {
my ($self, $node) = @_;
if($self->xmllog->is_debug) {
$self->xmllog->debug( ($self->{id} || "") . " < " . $node->as_xml);
} else {
local $DJabberd::ASXML_NO_TEXT = 1;
$self->xmllog->info("$self->{id} < " . $node->as_xml);
sub discard_parser {
my DJabberd::ClientConnection $self = shift;
# TODOTEST: bunch of new connections speaking not-well-formed xml and getting booted, then watch for mem leaks
my $p = $self->{parser} or return;
$self->{parser} = undef;
$self->{saxhandler} = undef;
Danga::Socket->AddTimer(0, sub {
my %free_parsers; # $ns -> [ [parser,handler]* ]
sub borrow_a_parser {
my DJabberd::ClientConnection $self = $_[0];
# get a parser off the freelist
if (0 && $self->{in_stream}) {
my $ns = $self->namespace;
my $freelist = $free_parsers{$ns} || [];
if (my $ent = pop @$freelist) {
($self->{parser}, $self->{saxhandler}) = @$ent;
# $self->log->logdie("ASSERT") unless $self->{parser}{LibParser};
return $self->{parser};
# no parser? gotta make one.
my $handler = DJabberd::SAXHandler->new;
my $p = DJabberd::XMLParser->new(Handler => $handler);
if ($self->{in_stream}) {
# gotta get it into stream-able state with an open root node
# so client can send us multiple stanzas. unless we're waiting for
# the start stream, in which case it may also have an xml declaration
# like <?xml ... ?> at top, which can only come at top, so we need
# a virgin parser.
my $ns = $self->namespace;
# this is kinda a hack, in that it hard-codes the namespace
# prefixes 'db' and 'stream',... however, RFC 3920 seection
# 11.2.1, 11.2.3, etc say it's okay for historical reasons to
# force the prefixes for both 'stream' and 'db'
my $other = $ns eq "jabber:server" ? "xmlns:db='jabber:server:dialback'" : "";
$p->parse_chunk_scalarref(\ qq{<stream:stream
$self->{saxhandler} = $handler;
$self->{parser} = $p;
return $p;
sub return_parser {
my DJabberd::ClientConnection $self = $_[0];
my $freelist = $free_parsers{$self->namespace} ||= [];
# BIG FAT WARNING: with fields objects, you can't do:
# my $p = delete $self->{parser}.
# You'd think you could, but it leaves $self->{parser} with some magic fucked up undef/but not
# value and $p's refcount never goes down. Some Perl bug due to fields, weakrefs, etc? Who knows.
# This affects Perl 5.8.4, but not Perl 5.8.8.
my $p = $self->{parser}; $self->{parser} = undef;
my $handler = $self->{saxhandler}; $self->{saxhandler} = undef;
if (@$freelist < 5) {
push @$freelist, [$p, $handler];
} else {
Danga::Socket->AddTimer(0, sub {
sub set_rcvd_features {
my ($self, $feat_stanza) = @_;
$self->{rcvd_features} = $feat_stanza;
sub set_bound_jid {
my ($self, $jid) = @_;
$self->log->logdie("no jid") unless $jid && $jid->isa('DJabberd::JID');
$self->{bound_jid} = $jid;
sub set_version {
my ($self, $verob) = @_;
$self->{version} = $verob;
sub version {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{version} or
$self->log->logdie("Version accessed before it was set");
sub stream_id {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{stream_id} ||= Digest::SHA1::sha1_hex(rand() . rand() . rand());
sub state {
return $_[0]->{state};
# called by DJabberd::SAXHandler
sub on_stanza_received {
my ($self, $node) = @_;
my $element=$node->element;
#print STDERR "ELEMENT " . $element . "\n";
return if ($element =~ /feature/);
#print STDERR "ELEMENT " . $element . "\n";
if ($self->state eq "getting_auth") {
} elsif ($self->state eq "sending_auth") {
} else {
$self->log->logdie("SUBCLASSES MUST OVERRIDE 'on_stanza_received' for $self\n");
# subclasses should override returning 0 or 1
sub is_server {
return 0;
sub send_stanza {
my ($self, $stanza) = @_;
sub write_stanza {
my ($self, $stanza) = @_;
my $to_jid = $stanza->to_jid || $self->log->logdie("missing 'to' attribute in ".$stanza->element_name." stanza");
my $from_jid = $stanza->from_jid; # this can be iq
my $elename = $stanza->element_name;
my $other_attrs = "";
my $attrs = $stanza->attrs;
while (my ($k, $v) = each %$attrs) {
$k =~ s/.+\}//; # get rid of the namespace
next if $k eq "to" || $k eq "from";
$other_attrs .= "$k=\"" . exml($v) . "\" ";
my $from = "";
$self->log->logdie("no from") if ($elename ne 'iq' && !$from_jid);
$from = $from_jid ? " from='" . $from_jid->as_string_exml . "'" : "";
my $to_str = $to_jid->as_string_exml;
my $ns = $self->namespace;
my $xml = "<$elename $other_attrs to='$to_str'$from>" . $stanza->innards_as_xml . "</$elename>";
if ($self->xmllog->is_info) {
# refactor this out
my $debug;
if($self->xmllog->is_debug) {
$debug = "<$elename $other_attrs to='$to_str'$from>" . $stanza->innards_as_xml . "</$elename>";
} else {
local $DJabberd::ASXML_NO_TEXT = 1;
$debug = "<$elename $other_attrs to='$to_str'$from>" . $stanza->innards_as_xml . "</$elename>";
sub namespace {
my $self = shift;
Carp::confess("namespace called on $self which has no namespace");
# called by Danga::Socket when a write doesn't fully go through. by default it
# enables writability. but we want to do nothing if we're waiting for a read for SSL
sub on_incomplete_write {
my $self = shift;
return if $self->{write_when_readable};
# called by SSL machinery to let us know a write is stalled on readability.
# so we need to (at least temporarily) go readable and then process writes.
sub write_when_readable {
my $self = shift;
# enable readability, but remember old value so we can pop it back
my $prev_readable = ($self->{event_watch} & POLLIN) ? 1 : 0;
$self->{write_when_readable} = [ $prev_readable ];
# don't need to push/pop its state because Danga::Socket->write, called later,
# will do the one final write, or if not all written, will turn on watch_write
sub restart_stream {
my DJabberd::ClientConnection $self = shift;
$self->{in_stream} = 0;
# to be safe, we just discard the parser, as they might've sent,
# say, "<starttls/><attack", knowing the next user will get that
# parser with "<attack" open and get a parser error and be
# disconnected.
# this is a hack to get everything we print
# this is a slow down now, will fix later but
# eval is being annoying
sub write {
my $self = shift;
if ($self->{do_compress} && (ref($_[0]) ne 'CODE')) {
my $data=$_[0];
$data = $$data if (ref($data) eq 'SCALAR');
unless (defined($data)) {
return $self->SUPER::write(@_);
my $debug=$data;
my ($r, $status) = $self->{ostream}->deflate($data);
if ($status != Z_OK) {
open (DEBUG, ">>/tmp/z-stream-error");
print DEBUG "deflate fails with $status:\n";
if (defined($debug)) {
print DEBUG $debug, "\n";
} else {
print "undef\n";
$self->stream_error("error in deflate $status");
return 1;
if ( defined($debug) ) {
($r, $status) = $self->{ostream}->flush(Z_SYNC_FLUSH);
if ($status != Z_OK) {
open (DEBUG, ">>/tmp/z-stream-error");
print DEBUG "flush fails with $status:\n";
print DEBUG $debug, "\n";
$self->stream_error("error in flush $status");
return 1;
$data .= $r;
return $self->SUPER::write($data);
my $time = Time::HiRes::time;
no warnings;
my $data = $_[0];
$data = $$data if (ref($data) eq 'SCALAR');
$LOGMAP{$self}->print("$time\t> $data\n") if $LOGMAP{$self} && ref($data) ne 'CODE' ;
my $data=shift;
$data=$$data if (ref $data);
if ($data) {
#print STDERR "SENDING $data\n";
# DJabberd::ClientConnection
sub event_read {
my DJabberd::ClientConnection $self = shift;
my $bref;
# non-ssl mode:
$bref = $self->read(20_000);
return $self->close unless defined $bref;
my $first_read=0;
if (ref($bref) && $self->{not_read_yet}) {
if ( substr($$bref, 0, 1) ne "<" ) {
my $status;
($self->{ostream}, $status) = deflateInit();
if ($status != Z_OK) {
$self->log->logdie("error in deflateInit"); }
($self->{istream}, $status) = inflateInit();
if ($status != Z_OK) { $self->log->logdie("error in inflateInit"); }
if ($self->{do_compress}) {
my ($r, $status) = $self->{istream}->inflate($$bref);
if ($status != Z_OK) {
if (! $first_read ) {
$self->log->error("error in inflate");
} else {
} else {
# clients send whitespace between stanzas as keep-alives. let's just ignore those,
# not going through the bother to checkout a parser and all.
return if ! $self->{parser} && $$bref !~ /\S/;
Carp::confess if ($self->{closed});
my $time = Time::HiRes::time;
$LOGMAP{$self}->print("$time\t< $$bref\n");
my $p = $self->{parser} || $self->borrow_a_parser;
my $len = length $$bref;
#$self->log->debug("$self->{id} parsing $len bytes...") unless $len == 1;
eval {
if ($@) {
print STDERR "ERROR IN RECV: $@\n";
# FIXME: give them stream error before closing them,
# wait until they get the stream error written to them before closing
my $id=$self->{id} || "";
$self->log->error("$id disconnected $self because: $@");
$self->log->warn("$id parsing *****\n$$bref\n*******\n\n\n");
# if we still have a handler and haven't already closed down (cleanly),
# then let's consider giving our xml parser/sax pair back, if we're at
# a good breaking point.
if ((my $handler = $self->handler) && ! $self->{closed}) {
my $depth = $handler->depth;
if ($depth == 0 && $$bref =~ m!>\s*$!) {
# if no errors and not inside a stanza, return our parser to save memory
sub send_auth {
my $self = shift;
my $authreply_stanza = shift;
my $authreply = $authreply_stanza->as_xml;
my $password = $self->{password};
my $ss = $self->{stream_start};
my $to = $self->bound_jid->domain;
my $username = $self->bound_jid->node;
$self->log->logdie("didn't get reply") unless $authreply =~ /id=.auth1\b/;
my $response = "";
if ($authreply =~ /\bpassword\b/) {
$response = "<password>$password</password>";
} elsif ($authreply =~ /\bdigest\b/) {
use Digest::SHA1 qw(sha1_hex);
$self->log->info("STREAM ID " . $ss->id);
my $dig = lc(sha1_hex($ss->id . $password));
$response = "<digest>$dig</digest>";
} else {
$self->log->logdie("can't do password nor digest auth: [$authreply]");
my $res = $self->bound_jid->resource;
my $xml="<iq type='set' id='auth2'>
<query xmlns='jabber:iq:auth'>
sub on_auth_reply {
my $self=shift;
my $reply2=shift;
my $authreply2 = $reply2->as_xml;
warn "auth reply post-login: [$authreply2]\n" if $ENV{TESTDEBUG};
$self->log->logdie("no reply") unless $authreply2 =~ /id=.auth2\b/;
$self->log->logdie("bad password") unless $authreply2 =~ /type=.result\b/;
$self->{stream_start} = undef;
delete $self->{stream_start};
sub on_stream_start {
my DJabberd::ClientConnection $self = shift;
my $ss = shift;
my $xml="<iq type='get' id='auth1'><query xmlns='jabber:iq:auth'/></iq>";
# when we're the client of a stream (we're talking first)
sub start_init_stream {
my DJabberd::ClientConnection $self = shift;
my %opts = @_;
my $extra_attr = delete $opts{'extra_attr'} || "";
my $to = delete $opts{'to'} || Carp::croak("need 'to' domain");
$self->log->logdie(extra opts) if %opts;
# {=init-version-is-max} -- we must announce the highest version we support
my $our_version = DJabberd::StreamVersion->new("1.0");
my $ver_attr = $our_version->as_attr_string;
# by default we send the optional to='' attribute in our stream, but we have support for
# disabling it for our test suite.
$to = "to='$to'";
# {=xml-lang}
my $xml = qq{<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><stream:stream $to xmlns:stream='' xmlns='jabber:client' xml:lang='en' $extra_attr $ver_attr>};
sub end_stream {
my DJabberd::ClientConnection $self = shift;
$self->write(sub { $self->close; });
sub event_write {
my $self = shift;
if ($self->{state} eq "connecting") {
} else {
$self->watch_write(0) if $self->write(undef);
# info is optional descriptive text
sub stream_error {
my ($self, $err, $info) = @_;
$info ||= "";
# {=stream-errors}
$self->log->warn( ($self->{id} || "") . " stream error '$err': $info");
my $infoxml = "";
if ($info) {
$infoxml = "<text xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams'>" . exml($info) . "</text>";
unless ($self->{in_stream}) {
$self->write(qq{<?xml version='1.0'?><stream:stream xmlns='jabber:client' xmlns:stream='' id='bye' xml:lang='en'>});
$self->write("<stream:error><$err xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams'/>$infoxml</stream:error>");
# {=error-must-close-stream}
sub close_stream {
my ($self, $err) = @_;
$self->write(sub { $self->close; });
sub close {
my DJabberd::ClientConnection $self = shift;
return if $self->{closed};
if ($self->{counted_close}++) {
$self->log->logcluck("We are about to increment the diconnect counter one time too many, but we didn't");
} else {
$self->log->debug("DISCONNECT: $self->{id}\n") if $self->{id};
if (my $p = $self->{parser}) {
# libxml isn't reentrant apparently, so we can't finish_push
# from inside an existint callback. so schedule immediately,
# after event loop.
Danga::Socket->AddTimer(0, sub {
$self->{saxhandler}->cleanup if $self->{saxhandler};
$self->{saxhandler} = undef;
$self->{parser} = undef;
delete $LOGMAP{$self};
# DJabberd::ClientConnection
sub event_err { my $self = shift; $self->close; }
sub event_hup { my $self = shift; $self->close; }
sub on_connected {
my $self = shift;
$self->start_init_stream( to=>$self->bound_jid->domain );
# Local Variables:
# mode: perl
# c-basic-indent: 4
# indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End:
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