Subscribing to an LJ Talk roster from another server

Michael Rogers mrogers at
Thu Dec 11 02:34:10 UTC 2008

Michael Rogers wrote:
> I suspect that's the cause of the problem I've been seeing: users on 
> other servers aren't locally marked as available, so djabberd drops 
> subscribe/subscribed stanzas addressed to them. If so, the problem can 
> hopefully be fixed if Presence overrides Stanza's 
> deliver_when_unavailable method to return 1.

I've managed to hack around the problem in one direction (remote user 
subscribing to a livejournal user) by sending a directed 'available' 
presence immediately before the 'subscribe' presence, to let djabberd 
know that the remote user is available. However, this solution doesn't 
work in the other direction (livejournal user subscribing to a remote user).


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