Hi,<br><br>I am trying to add the ldap plugin. <br><br>The server configuration is <br> <Plugin DJabberd::Authen::LDAP><br> LDAPURI ldap://<br> LDAPBindDN dc=abc, dc=com
<br> LDAPBindPW test<br> LDAPBaseDN dc=abc,dc=com<br> LDAPFilter (&(inetAuthorizedServices=jabber)(uid="%d"))<br> #LDAPFilter (&(inetAuthorizedServices=jabber)(uid="%u"))
<br> LDAPMethod rebind<br> </Plugin><br><br>Stage 1:<br>The following are the LDAP server details to login:<br> Basedn: dc=abc, dc=com<br> Userdn : dc=abc, dc=com<br> Password: test
<br><br>LDAP Client: With the above details, i am able to login. <br>djabberd server: I tried with %d for the domain name in LDAP Filter. When i run server, i get "Invalid LDAP Authentication Method". <br><br>The debug log is
Use of uninitialized value in pattern match (m//) at
line 101, <DATA> line 228.<br>
32599 ERROR DJabberd.Authen.LDAP Invalid LDAP Authentication Method<br>
Configuration error on line 44: Invalid LDAP Authentication Method at
line 105<br><br><br>Stage 2:<br><br>LDAP Client: I tried with anonymous bind with ldap client. i.e. without Userdn and Password, i am able to login. <br>djabberd server: Without using LDAPMethod in djabberd configuration, the server started and while the user logs in, he is in "Connecting" state
<br><br>Could you provide some suggestion?<br><br>Regards,<br>-Rajesh<br><br>