Is memcached a good way to store session share ammong web servers?

Paul T pault12345 at
Tue Nov 14 00:20:40 UTC 2006


 The right place to discuss philosophy and application
design (and implementation) of complex caching
scenarious is

 As a matter of fact, "sessions not hitting the
database"  (unlikely to be supported by memcached by
design) is already part of ongoing Univca version 1.3.

 "Groups of keys as first class citizens of caching
server" (unlikely to be supported by memcached by
design) and "RAID" approach (unlikely to be supported
by memcached by design) are on the roadmap too.

 Basically, the rule is simple:

 Every thing that is rejected on memcached mailing
list as "inappropriate" or "silly" or "bad design" or
"people already solved that" --

 is a good topic for univca mailing list.


--- Brian Moon <brianm at> wrote:

> IMO, this conversation has left the scope of this
> list.  It is about 
> philosophy and application design.  Please take it
> to a more appropriate 
> list.
> -- 
> Brian Moon
> -------------
> It's good to be cheap =)

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