How to maintain cache update on different memcached servers?

Jehiah Czebotar jehiah at
Tue Oct 31 16:26:26 UTC 2006

> so, correct me if i am wrong...
> 1. on each memcached server, i start the memcached deamon as they are
> separetely server, they don't know each other, e.g.
> ./memcached -d -m 2048 -l -p 11211
> 2. during connection from client, add all the servers...
> e.g.
> $memcache = new Memcache;
> $memcache->addServer('memcache_host', 11211);
> $memcache->addServer('memcache_host2', 11211);
> 3. the memcached objects will be stored evenly on all these server,
> and i can get it using Memcache::get , without specifying the server
> host

correct: that is exactly it.

(just make sure the memory you are configuring memcached to use (2048)
is not larger than the actuall free RAM on your machines)


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