PATCH: trivial change

Tim Yardley liquid at
Thu Apr 5 16:11:33 UTC 2007


Some of the code that's come into the tree has brought in mixed tabs and
spaces, as well as trailing spaces.  Running devtools/
(in memcached/server) will clean that back up.

Here is a trivial patch to that script to catch the autoconf mixed tabs as

$ svn diff
Index: server/devtools/
--- server/devtools/ (revision 485)
+++ server/devtools/ (working copy)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 use strict;
 use FindBin qw($Bin);
 chdir "$Bin/.." or die;
-my @files = (glob("*.h"), glob("*.c"));
+my @files = (glob("*.h"), glob("*.c"), glob("*.ac"));
 foreach my $f (@files) {
     open(my $fh, $f) or die;
     my $before = do { local $/; <$fh>; };

Files currently affected in the multithread branch:
$ svn status
M      server/stats.c
M      server/slabs.c
M      server/memcached.c
M      server/thread.c
M      server/assoc.c
M      server/slabs.h
M      server/items.c
M      server/


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