mc vs oscache, ehcache

Marcus Bointon marcus at
Wed Apr 11 08:59:56 UTC 2007

I have a java app (though I'm not a java person) that's just switched  
from oscache to ehcache. Both are very java-specific, and seem to  
take a very long way around dealing with coherency on a cluster  
(broadcast cache invalidations and writes, much duplication of cached  
data). Does anyone have opinions about using either of these two vs  
memcache? Is the added inertia of an app server harder to cope with  
in a lightweight cache like mc? Would it be a good idea to use both  
cache types at once (ehcache for session/app instance data, mc for  

Marcus Bointon
Synchromedia Limited: Creators of
UK resellers of info at hand CRM solutions
marcus at |

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