successive writes are lost

Jan Pfeifer pfjan at
Wed Jan 24 22:51:01 UTC 2007

Sorry for the confusion. Actually I was doing something wrong on the pre-filling loop ...

So I guess I can't reproduce any problems then :)

----- Original Message ----
From: Jan Pfeifer <pfjan at>
To: Steven Grimm <sgrimm at>
Cc: memcached list <memcached at>; Peter Yen <peteryen at>
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2007 2:09:52 PM
Subject: Re: successive writes are lost

Cool, thanks :)

So I'm using the 1.2.1, on Ubuntu Edgy (Linux 2.6).

I'm sending the code to you (and my friend) only, as it is part of a bigger test program, and I don't want to consume the list bandwidth -- but feel free to send to the list if you prefer


- jan

----- Original Message ----
From: Steven Grimm <sgrimm at>
To: Jan Pfeifer <pfjan at>
Cc: memcached list <memcached at>; Peter Yen <peteryen at>
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2007 2:00:53 PM
Subject: Re: successive writes are lost

Any chance you can send your test program to me? If I can reproduce 
that, I'll definitely work on fixing it. We haven't noticed that 
behavior but I suppose if it's a rare condition, it might have been 
happening infrequently enough to escape our attention.

Which version of memcached are you running against?


Jan Pfeifer wrote:
> hi,
> I was re-running some performance test, after a friend commented that memcache lost some writes  in some cases. 
> I
> noticed that if I do a program to write 50k entries (keys are the
> number 1 to 50000 in string format, and values are a 100 chars string)
> in a 500mb cache (enough space), I only get ~65% of them written
> (according to "stats items" and to the cache miss ratio I get after
> writting). 
> But, if I do a 10microsec pause in between each write, they all get through without a problem.
> I
> edited the server, and adding a few printf's I noticed that item_alloc
> and slab_alloc are called the 50k times, and return an ok results
> ("STORED").
> any ideas of what is happening, and how can we avoid this ? 
> thanks :)
> - jan
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#include <iostream>
#include <boost/smart_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>
#include <boost/random.hpp>
#include "MemCache.hh"

using namespace std;
using namespace Answers;
using namespace boost;
using namespace boost::random;

boost::mt19937 rng;
boost::uniform_real<> uni_dist(0,1);
boost::variate_generator<mt19937&, boost::uniform_real<> > rand_real(rng, uni_dist);

struct CacheTestSet {
    unsigned long num_of_keys;
    string value;
    time_t stop_time;
    unsigned long average_sleep_useconds;
    unsigned long count_reads, count_writes;
    unsigned long total_waiting_read_time_useconds, total_waiting_write_time_useconds;
    mutex m;

int a = 0;

class CacheTester 
  CacheTester( shared_ptr<CacheTestSet> test_set ) : test_set( test_set ), cache() {}

  void run()
    while ( !test_end() ) 
      if ( test_end() ) break;

    shared_ptr<CacheTestSet> test_set;
    MemCache cache;
    boost::thread *thrd;
    unsigned long read_time, write_time;

  void process_key()
    string key = lexical_cast<string>( (long) ( rand_real() * test_set->num_of_keys ) );
    string value;
    struct timeval tv_begin, tv_end;
    gettimeofday( &tv_begin, 0 );
    cache.get( key, value );
    gettimeofday( &tv_end, 0 );
    read_time = (tv_end.tv_sec - tv_begin.tv_sec) * 1000000L + tv_end.tv_usec - tv_begin.tv_usec;
    if ( rand_real() < 0.1 ) {
      gettimeofday( &tv_begin, 0 );
      cache.set( key, test_set->value, 0, 0 );
      gettimeofday( &tv_end, 0 );
      write_time = (tv_end.tv_sec - tv_begin.tv_sec) * 1000000L + tv_end.tv_usec - tv_begin.tv_usec;
    } else {
      write_time = 0;
  bool test_end() 
    return ( time(0) >= test_set->stop_time );

  void sleep()
    if ( test_set->average_sleep_useconds <= 0 ) return;
    unsigned long sl = (unsigned long) ( rand_real() * 2 * test_set->average_sleep_useconds );
    usleep( sl );

  void update() 
    mutex::scoped_lock( test_set->m );
    if ( read_time > 0 ) {
      test_set->count_reads ++;
      test_set->total_waiting_read_time_useconds += read_time;
    if ( write_time > 0 ) {
      test_set->count_writes ++;
      test_set->total_waiting_write_time_useconds += write_time;

class Runner
  Runner( CacheTester *ct ) : ct(ct) {}
  Runner() : ct(0) {}

  void operator()()
  void set( CacheTester *_ct ) { ct = _ct; }
    CacheTester *ct;

// Start up threads
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
try {

    // help
    if ( argc != 7 || argv[1] == "-h" || argv[1] == "--help" ) {
        cout << argv[0] 
            << " <# of simultaneous threads>"
            << " <# of seconds running>"
            << " <average # of microseconds between each request per thread>"
            << " <# of different keys to use>"
            << " <value size>"
            << " <fill cache? (0|1)>"
            << endl;
        return 1;
    // get arguments
  int seconds_to_run = lexical_cast<int>( argv[2] );
    shared_ptr<CacheTestSet> test_set( new CacheTestSet );
  int num_threads = lexical_cast<int>( argv[1] );
  test_set->stop_time = time(0) + seconds_to_run;
  test_set->average_sleep_useconds = lexical_cast<unsigned long>( argv[3] );
  test_set->num_of_keys = lexical_cast<unsigned long>( argv[4] );
  test_set->value = string( lexical_cast<unsigned>( argv[5] ), 'a' );
  cout << "Value being used (" << lexical_cast<unsigned>( argv[5] ) << ") : " << test_set->value << endl;
  int prefill = lexical_cast<bool>( argv[6] );

  // prefill if requested
  if ( prefill ) {
    MemCache cache;
    struct timeval tv_begin, tv_end;
    struct timespec pause = { 0, 1000 };
    gettimeofday( &tv_begin, 0 );
    for ( unsigned i = 0; i < test_set->num_of_keys; i++ ) {
      string key = lexical_cast<string>( (long) ( rand_real() * test_set->num_of_keys ) );
      cache.set( key, test_set->value, 0, 0 );
      // nanosleep( &pause, 0 );
    gettimeofday( &tv_end, 0 );
    unsigned long write_time = (tv_end.tv_sec - tv_begin.tv_sec) * 1000000L + tv_end.tv_usec - tv_begin.tv_usec;
    cout << "Cache prefilled, " << (double) test_set->num_of_keys / (double) write_time * 1e6  << " writes per second" << endl;
    gettimeofday( &tv_begin, 0 );
    unsigned failed = 0;
    for ( unsigned i = 0; i < test_set->num_of_keys; i++ ) {
      string key = lexical_cast<string>( (long) ( rand_real() * test_set->num_of_keys ) );
      string v;
      if ( ! cache.get( key,v ) ) failed ++;
      else if ( v != test_set->value ) cerr << "returned wrong value!!!" << endl;
      // nanosleep( &pause, 0 );
    gettimeofday( &tv_end, 0 );
    unsigned long read_time = (tv_end.tv_sec - tv_begin.tv_sec) * 1000000L + tv_end.tv_usec - tv_begin.tv_usec;
    cout << "Cache prefill checked, " << (double) test_set->num_of_keys / (double) read_time * 1e6  << " reads per second, " 
      << failed << " failed" << endl;
    return 0;
  CacheTester *testers[num_threads];
  int i;
  for ( i = 0 ; i < num_threads; i ++ ) testers[i] = new CacheTester( test_set );
  Runner runners[ num_threads ];
  for ( i = 0 ; i < num_threads; i ++ ) runners[i].set( testers[i] );

  thread *threads[ num_threads ];
  try {
    for ( i = 0 ; i < num_threads; i ++ ) threads[i] = new thread( runners[i] );
  } catch ( ... ) {
    cerr << "Threads created: " << i << endl;
  for ( i = 0 ; i < num_threads; i ++ ) { threads[i]->join(); delete threads[i]; threads[i] = 0; }

  for ( i = 0 ; i < num_threads; i ++ ) { delete testers[i]; testers[i] = 0; }
  // print statistics 
  cout << "Rate of read requests: " << (double)test_set->count_reads / (double)seconds_to_run << " reqs/s, " << test_set->count_reads << " total" << endl;
  cout << "Rate of write requests: " << (double)test_set->count_writes / (double)seconds_to_run << " reqs/s," << test_set->count_writes << " total" << endl;
  cout << "Total time passed waiting for requests (useconds): " << test_set->total_waiting_read_time_useconds << endl;
  cout << "Average reading time (useconds/request): "
          << (double) test_set->total_waiting_read_time_useconds / (double)test_set->count_reads << endl;
  cout << "Average writing time (useconds/request): "
      << (double) test_set->total_waiting_write_time_useconds / (double)test_set->count_writes << endl;

    return 0;
} catch (exception &e) {
    cerr << "Exception: " << e.what() << endl;
    return 1;


extern "C" {
#include <memcache.h>

#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>

namespace Answers {
    class MemCache
        inline void set( const std::string &key, const std::string &value, const time_t expire, const u_int16_t flags );
        inline bool get( const std::string &key, std::string &value );
        //bool get( const std::vector<const std::string> &keys, std::vector<std::string> &values, 
        //    std::vector<bool> &found = std::vector<bool>());
        struct ::memcache *mc;
    // Implementation
    inline void MemCache::set( const std::string &key, const std::string &value, const time_t expire, const u_int16_t flags )
        if ( key.empty() ) return;
        /* Add a key */
        int ret = ::mc_set(mc, (char *) key.c_str(), key.length(), value.c_str(), value.length(), expire, flags);
        if ( ret != 0 ) throw std::runtime_error( "MemCache::MemCache(): mc_put failed "+boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(ret) );          

    inline bool MemCache::get( const std::string &key, std::string &value )
        struct memcache_req *req = mc_req_new();
        if ( ! req ) throw std::bad_alloc(); //  "MemCache::get(): can't create memcache_req object with mc_req_new()" );

        struct memcache_res *res = ::mc_req_add(req, (char*) key.c_str(), key.length());
        ::mc_get(mc, req);
        if ( ! mc_res_found( res ) ) {
            return false;

        value = std::string( (char*)res->val, (char*)res->val+res->size );
        return true;


#include "MemCache.hh"

using namespace std;

Answers::MemCache::MemCache() {
    mc = mc_new();
    if ( !mc ) throw std::bad_alloc(); // "Can't create memcached object" );
    /* Add a few servers */
    int ret  = mc_server_add(mc, "", "11211");
    if ( ret != 0 ) throw std::runtime_error( "MemCache::MemCache(): mc_server_add failed" );
    //mc_server_add(mc, "", "11212");
    //mc_server_add4(mc, "");

Answers::MemCache::~MemCache() {
    if ( mc ) mc_free(mc);
    mc = 0;

    // Storage commands: 
    mc_add(mc, key, key_len, val, bytes, expire, flags);
    mc_replace(mc, key, key_len, val, bytes, expire, flags);
    mc_set(mc, key, key_len, val, bytes, expire, flags);
    // Delete commands: 
    mc_delete(mc, key, key_len, hold_timer);
    // Atomic opts: 
    mc_incr(mc, key, key_len, 1);
    mc_decr(mc, key, key_len, 1);

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