Regarding Memcached Server configuration?

Clint Webb webb.clint at
Thu Sep 27 03:16:03 UTC 2007

Thats pretty much correct.  The redundancy comes into play when you have
your cache spread over multiple machines in that you dont lose you entire
cache if you lose one machine.

On 9/27/07, Dan Christian <dchristian at> wrote:
> On 9/26/07, Marcus Bointon <marcus at> wrote:
> > We are using the latest PHP memcache client which implements consistent
> > hashing strategy.
> > If you are only running one server, you might be better off using APC
> for
> > your caching. If you have 2 servers, you might get better performance by
> > running your PHP on both, and also using both for memcache (with
> memcache
> > the more physical servers you have, the faster it can go, on average).
> This
> > will also give you a bit of redundancy, letting your service continue if
> one
> > server dies.
> I'm a bit confused about the redundancy aspects of memcached.  My
> understanding is that you can have multiple memcacheds, but they store
> different objects (based on the keys).
> Tell me if I understand this right.  If I run a memcached on each of 2
> machines, then the failure of a machine takes out half the cached
> objects.  These values will continue to be un-cached until that
> machine is removed from the client's configuration.
> Is there an automatic recovery mechanism?
> Is there a (big) performance hit when the configuration changes?
> -Dan C

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