Best practice for a web farm?

Jed Reynolds lists at
Sat Feb 2 07:24:07 UTC 2008

dormando wrote:
> More or less.
> The most efficient-for-the-money method to start out with is to add 
> more RAM to your CPU nodes (dynamic webservers, whatever) and run a 
> memcached instance on there too. Cheap to add RAM to hardware you're 
> using for other things, but expensive to get entire boxes for it.
> Very very few people actually peg memcached with CPU usage, and if 
> you, you should be able to afford a few dedicated machines :)

Putting memcached on the same nodes as you put your apache workers 
leaves you in a position to run your memcached into swap during a 
request spike/flood and then you may as well just reboot your node 
because the performance has fallen away badly. For example, if you 
expect to run up to apache 200 workers per node with a worker size of 
20MB, this means 4GB of ram. If you want to dedicate 1G for memcached, 
make sure you have ram leftover for the rest of your OS and cache and 
buffers. However, the longer you work your workers, and depending on 
your app settings, expect your apache processes to fatten over time. So 
if your workers grow from 20MB to 60MB (I regularly see 66MB httpd 
processes in my environment), then you've created a situation where your 
workers demand 12GB during a request spike. If you don't have >12GB 

My point: if you want your web nodes to *take a beating* (and I've seen 
this happen repeatedly from spambots and trackback botnets) don't put 
memcache on your webnodes. Put your memcache on nodes that are well 
protected from memory starvation dedicated boxes or an NFS server.

> If you're worried about CPU thrashing a lot, you can use utilities 
> like schedutils to 'ping' memcached to a specific core on a specific 
> CPU, and 'mask' your webserver processes to all of the rest. It can 
> help a little bit but isn't usually necessary.

I wouldn't worry about httpd instances thrashing the cpu, because httpd 
workers overload on a multi-cpu box pretty well. I've often watched a 
4GB,  4 core Xeon 2.6ghz box handle 4000-10000 connections per second, 
under load 10-20 with about 400 apache workers and while it swapped a 
bit, it kept up surprisingly well. (My httpd instances were not as 
large--more like 25MB). I had my memcached instances on my NFS node, 
which never sustained much load. There were also 3 mysql servers behind 
it, too :-) I appreciated that web server a lot.


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