Cross-client memcached compatibility

Dustin Sallings dustin at
Tue Jan 29 20:32:01 UTC 2008

On Jan 29, 2008, at 11:57, Ciaran wrote:

> My problem appears to be that I can't get the data out with your  
> client (I assume yours is the Spy 'Optomised' Java client) as it  
> 'sees' the flag telling it the data is compressed, and attempts to  
> de-compress (the un-compressed) data immediately so I get a null  
> back [this what I've interpreted from setting up an ErrorHandler]
> Are you saying there might be a way for me to disable to automatic  
> de-compression (enableCompression(false) only seems to affect  
> compression [makes sense I guess!) so I can get this data out ?

	The thing that takes your value and formats it for memcached is  
modular.  It's this interface:

	You give it an object, it returns a CachedData object (byte array and  
flags integer).  You give it a CachedData object and it gives you your  
original object back.  You could implement something like this:

public StringTranscoder implements Transcoder {
	public CachedData encode(Object o) {
		// Will throw a ClassCastException if it's not a string.
		String s=(String)o;
		return new CachedData(0, s.getBytes("UTF-8"));

	public Object decode(CachedData d) {
		return new String(d.getData(), "UTF-8");

	(note that there's an UnsupportedEncodingException that needs to be  
caught and rethrown in there, but that's the basic idea).

	Then you just do this:

	client.setTranscoder(new StringTranscoder());

	-- again, though, this solves your exact problem, but not the general  
problem of getting clients to agree on storage formats.  That comes up  
quite often.

Dustin Sallings

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