issues in multiple memcached instance on freebsd

Dustin Sallings dustin at
Tue Mar 25 05:42:06 UTC 2008

On Mar 24, 2008, at 22:26, golak Sarangi wrote:

> I have been using memcache on a freebsd system smoothly for few  
> months. But now on trying to start two instances of memcache on same  
> system but on different port i get the following errors
> bind(): Address already in use
> failed to listen
> I am using port 11211 and 11212 for two instances. there is nothing  
> else running on those ports.
> i tried the same thing on debian system and it worked fine.
> Could anyone guide me through it?

	I'd expect the following command to show you something listening there.

	netstat -an | grep 11211

	If you have lsof, ``lsof -i | grep LIST'' should show you listening  
sockets and the processes that are listening on them.

Dustin Sallings

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