seeking for opinions on multi-storage support

Toru Maesaka tmaesaka at
Wed May 7 11:09:24 UTC 2008

Hey guys,

Lately I've been doing a fair amount of thinking and planning on how
to do a clean job of supporting multi storage engines for memcached.

As a first step I've eliminated the macros that acted as an alias for
whether to use the mutex wrappers (mt_*) or the actual implementation
(do_*), by making memcached compile only in multi-thread mode. This
code is currently in Dustin's binary branch.

Now, what this means is that we can now make either the wrappers or
the implementation functions loadable (or both but this isn't really neat

At the hackathon we came to an agreement that the cache/storage
related mutex should live in the storage engine. My understanding is
that to do so, we would make the mutex wrappers loadable but the
problem here is that we can't _just_ have wrapper functions, since
memcached directly calls the "do_*" functions at various places,
most likely to avoid deadlocks.

On the other hand, if we were to make the implementation functions
loadable, things are easy since we would nudge those functions inside
the wrappers and the core server will operate on the engine through them.
However this limits many possibilities since the concurrency control is
determined by the core server.

So yeah, I personally would like to bring the mutex out to the storage
engine but this involves a minor problem as stated above.

Does anyone have any advice/opinions on this?


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