
Cahill, Earl ecahill at corp.untd.com
Thu Nov 16 19:57:33 UTC 2006

> Interesting! I hadn't seen that iram thing before. What benefit do you

> get from a 4GB RAM drive vs just an extra 4GB of RAM in main memory?

The iram would extend the total amount of ram.

> I think our belief is that a cache in front of mogile won't do any 
> better than a mogile cluster with as much RAM as the cache and with 
> content evenly distributed throughout the cluster.

Guess I was just thinking that you might not need so many "fast" boxes,
maybe just a couple for the tugela cache.

> to push things around dyanmically to take the 
> most advantage of available resources.

Yeah, having mogile handle hot files rather magically would be pretty

While we're here, how does guba handle streaming with a mogile backend?


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