"Streaming" FLV through MogileFS

Eric Lambrecht eml at guba.com
Fri Apr 13 23:14:48 UTC 2007

dormando wrote:
> So, next question; how does the client tie into this? Does it make a raw 
> range request when seeking, or is this exactly how the PHP example 
> works? Sorry, I should've just tcpdump'ed your client by now but I'm 
> feeling lazy today.

Pass the byte offset into the video as a parameter to your cgi that 
looks the file up in mogile. The cgi maps your video to the location in 
mogile, passes that location to perlbal with X-REPROXY-URL and also 
passes the byte offset in via the X-REPROXY-FLV-START header. Perlbal 
makes a range request to mogile and proxies the file with the new header.

How do you map a click on the timeline in your video to a byte offset 
into the video file? That doesn't seem very related to perlbal or mogile 
now, does it? ;-)  Take a look at flvtool.


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