I'm just starting to play around with MogileFS. I got the latest from SVN installed and configured. I added test domain & class but when I attempt to put a file in the system this is what happens:<br><br>#!/usr/bin/perl
<br>use MogileFS::Client;<br>my $mogfs = MogileFS::Client->new(domain => 'testdomain',<br> hosts => [ '<a href=""></a>' ]);<br>die "Unable to initialize MogileFS object.\n" unless $mogfs;
<br>my $fh = $mogfs->new_file("testkey", "testclass");<br>print $mogfs->errstr();<br><br>It comes back with:<br> no_devices No devices found to store file<br><br>The domain & class show up as showne blow but the storage device looks odd as it doesn't show total/free/used. Is there some place where i configure what the storage server can take up?
<br><br><br><br>mogadm --lib=/usr/local/share/perl/5.8.4 --trackers=<a href=""></a>,<a href=""></a> device list<br>mogilestorage1 [1]: alive
<br> used(G) free(G) total(G)<br><br>mogadm --lib=/usr/local/share/perl/5.8.4 --trackers=<a href=""></a>, <a href=""></a>
domain list<br> domain class mindevcount<br>-------------------- -------------------- -------------<br> testdomain default 0<br> testdomain testclass 2