#!/usr/bin/perl # vim:ts=4 sw=4 ft=perl et: use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; use LWP::UserAgent; use LWP::Simple; use MogileFS::Client; # Written by Justin Brehm (jbrehm@icontact.com) - 05/07/2008 14:09:00 # # check_mogile.pl - Nagios Plugin to check the functionality of MogileFS # Requirements - mysql-client my %ERRORS=('OK'=>0, 'WARNING'=>1, 'CRITICAL'=>2, 'UNKNOWN'=>3); my %opts=('trackers'=> 'localhost:7001', 'domain'=>'default', 'dbhost'=> 'mysqldb001.example', 'db' => 'mogilefs', 'dbuser' => 'mogilefs', 'dbpass' => 'lolwut'); my $host = `uname -n`; $host =~ s/[\r\n]//g; my $test_key = "test_" . $host . "_" . time(); my $test_file = "/etc/mogilefs/mogilefs.conf"; # file that we are going to inject/extract unless ( -e $test_file ) { print "MOGILEFS UNKNOWN - File $test_file doesn't exist. Please create and try again\n"; exit($ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}); } my $mysql = '/usr/bin/mysql'; # specify path to mysql client binary unless ( -X $mysql ) { print "MOGILEFS UNKNOWN - $mysql isn't executible or doesn't exist\n"; exit($ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}); } abortWithUsage() unless GetOptions( 't|trackers=s' => \$opts{trackers}, 'd|domain=s' => \$opts{domain}, 'host|dbhost=s' => \$opts{dbhost}, 'db=s' => \$opts{db}, 'u|dbuser=s' => \$opts{dbuser}, 'p|dbpass=s' => \$opts{dbpass}, ); abortWithUsage() unless ($opts{trackers} && $opts{domain} && $opts{db} && $opts{dbuser} && $opts{dbpass} && $opts{dbhost}); # Verify that the MySQL database is available first my $mysql_check = `$mysql --user=$opts{dbuser} --password=$opts{dbpass} --host=$opts{dbhost} $opts{db} -e 'select 1' 2>/dev/null`; if (!$mysql_check) { print "MOGILEFS CRITICAL - MogileFS database $opts{db} is unavailable\n"; exit($ERRORS{"CRITICAL"}); } my $mogfs = get_mogfs(); my $in_bytes = inject(); my $out_bytes = extract(); cleanup(); # Delete the file from MogileFS if ($in_bytes eq $out_bytes) { print "MOGILEFS OK - Key $test_key inject/extract success\n"; exit($ERRORS{"OK"}); } else { error("Store size: $in_bytes\nRetrieved size: $out_bytes"); } sub abortWithUsage { print "check_mogile.pl -- Checks the functionality of MogileFS for iContact\n\n"; print "Usage:\t\$ check_mogile.pl --trackers= --domain=publisher [--dbhost=ral-sql002.colo] [--db=mogilefs] [--dbuser=icontact] -[-dbpass=secret]\n\n"; print "\ttrackers\t: MogileFS trackers and port (\n"; print "\tdomain\t\t: MogileFS domain\n"; print "\tdbhost\t\t: Hostname/IP of MySQL database\n"; print "\tdb\t\t: The MogileFS database\n"; print "\tdbuser\t\t: User with SELECT privileges on database\n"; print "\tdbpass\t\t: password for user\n"; exit($ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}); } sub error { my $err = shift() || "ERROR: no error message provided!"; my $mogerr = undef; if ($mogerr = $mogfs->errstr) { $mogerr =~ s/^\s+//; $mogerr =~ s/\s+$//; } my $syserr = undef; if ($@) { $syserr = $@; $syserr =~ s/[\r\n]+$//; } print "CRITICAL - "; print "$err\n"; print "MogileFS backend error message: $mogerr\n" if $mogerr; print "System error message: $@\n" if $syserr; exit($ERRORS{"CRITICAL"}); } sub get_mogfs { my @trackerinput = split(/\s*,\s*/, $opts{trackers}); my @trackers; my %pref_ip; foreach my $tracker (@trackerinput) { if ($tracker =~ m!(.+)/(.+):(\d+)!) { $pref_ip{$2} = $1; push @trackers, "$2:$3"; } else { push @trackers, $tracker; } } my $handle = MogileFS::Client->new( domain => $opts{domain}, hosts => \@trackers, timeout => 3, ) or error("Could not initialize MogileFS"); $handle->set_pref_ip(\%pref_ip); return $handle; } # Injects into the default class. If we want to inject to a specific class # we'll have to modify this. sub inject { my $src = $test_file; my $key = $test_key; my $bytes = $mogfs->store_file($key, undef, $src) or error("Injection test failed"); return $bytes; } # Only returns that file size that is being extracted. To get the full # file you'd need to return $extractfile instead sub extract { my $key = $test_key; my $file; $file->{type} = 'file'; $file->{maxnum} = 1; $file->{parts}->{1} = { paths => [ grep { defined $_ } $mogfs->get_paths($key) ], }; unless (scalar(@{$file->{parts}->{1}->{paths}})) { error("Extraction test failed"); } my $extractfile; foreach my $path (@{$file->{parts}->{1}->{paths} || []}) { $extractfile .= get($path); } my $size = length $extractfile; return $size } sub cleanup { my $key = $test_key; unless ( $mogfs->delete($key) ) { error("Cannot delete $key"); } }