Patch: backend clobber prevention

Brad Fitzpatrick brad at
Tue Dec 5 09:28:35 UTC 2006


I think this is now fixed as well in svn, but from the other side of
things?  (backends properly clear out their client reference now...)

- Brad

On Thu, 12 Oct 2006, Eric Lambrecht wrote:

> I swear I sent this patch out a while ago, but it isn't in the latest
> SVN perlbal code and it just bit us in the butt again, now that we're
> updating to it.
> There is a condition where a ClientProxy can be given a new Backend C,
> but its old Backend B retains a reference to the ClientProxy. When the
> Backend B is closed, it tries to null out the ClientProxy's reference to
> the Backend B, but actually ends up clobbering the ClientProxy's
> reference to Backend C. This results in a horrible memory leak when
> you're serving up big files like we are.
> Anyway.. the attached patch fixes it.
> Eric...

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