high load average on servers

Brad Fitzpatrick brad at danga.com
Thu Jan 25 16:37:58 UTC 2007

I'm not sure I understand the question/problem.

Perlbal isn't multiplying your traffic or anything... what you get in goes
to backend nodes.  How did pound reduce your load?

On Thu, 25 Jan 2007, Andrei Dragomir wrote:

> Hello again,
I ran perlbal on my main load balancing server that is in front of 5 apache servers, it ran smooth for about 6 hours but after that, perhaps due to lots of requests, it created high load averages on the apache servers. Switched to pound again and now everything is going well. Still would like to replace pound, any idea on the options I should set for this problem? will max_backend_uses work in this case, won't it deny requests?

Thank you,
Dragomir Andrei

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