remote_closure issue with reverse_proxy

Ethan Erchinger ethane at
Thu Jun 12 02:37:26 UTC 2008


We have been seeing some of our reverse_proxy connections to backend
servers fail, we think the failure is in our code, and we are looking
into that. But, when I see " client disconnected" in perlbal output,
the connection to the Backend server is cleaned up, but not the
connection to the front-end portion of that reverse proxy. In
Perlbal::Socket I see the $self->close() called, and that in turn
calls the Danga::Socket->close() function, but I don't see anything
that cleans up the corresponding client connection.

The net net of this is that when we get a backend failure (without
error code), the client isn't notified, and we simply wait for the
client's timeout in libcurl (in our case 60 seconds). We are running
1.60, BTW, maybe this has been resolved in future versions?

Thanks, Ethan

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