Hello,<br><br>I've been running a series of comparisons between a number of load balancing options for a client and it has raised a few basic questions in my mind.<br>Though our test methodology has been less then strict, my experience has been that Perlbal tends to handle more connections per second (as a reverse proxy for two backend IIS servers) then LVS and most of the hardware load balancers we've tested. This is great, but I remember seeing in a couple of places were people using Perlbal or similar products as reverse proxies will place them behind a hardware balancer or LVS box. So I guess I have two questions.
<br>1. Is my experience normal? Does Perlbal usually outperform commercial hardware load balancers?<br>2. If Perlbal is faster then a hardware device wouldn't it restrict performance to place it behind one?<br><br>I realize that the hardware devices have HA features that Perlbal lacks but wouldn't it make sense to add a heartbeat fail over mechanism to your pool of Perlbals instead of placing them behind another load balancer?