Offline Storage and an Authentication Plugin

Edward Rudd erudd at
Thu Aug 2 15:45:36 UTC 2007

I found an issue with the OfflineStorage plugin.  If you define it
BEFORE other delivery plugins then it queues all messages and they never
get sent.   You need to make a note that it must be the LAST delivery
plugin defined. (After S2S and Local)

Piers Harding wrote:
> I allready have :-).
> I should have added that the OfflineStorage is "Old style" - in that it
> is not .  The main thing
> was to get me off of EJabberd.
> I have to say that it has been a breath of fresh air developing within
> the structure laid out by DJabberd - kudo to all involved.
> Cheers.
> On Mon, Jul 30, 2007 at 10:59:28PM +0000, Brad Fitzpatrick wrote:
>> You going to upload these to CPAN?
>> On Sun, 22 Jul 2007, Piers Harding wrote:
>>> Hi All -
>>> I have implmented a simple Offline Delivery Plugin that is either in
>>> memory or uses SQLite ->
>>> Additionally - I've created a simple variation of the Authen Plugin for MySQL
>>> that uses SQLite ->
>>> Cheers,
>>> Piers Harding.
>>> --
>>> Home -
>>> xmpp:piers at
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