DJabberd does not handle "MySQL server has gone away at"

Paul Lindner lindner at
Thu Aug 23 23:56:52 UTC 2007

Perhaps you want to try using the MySQL DBI auto reconnect feature?

 $dbh->{mysql_auto_reconnect} = 1

Or add ;auto_reconnect=1 to your DSN?

I'm not an expert, but I think that might do what you want..

On Thu, Aug 23, 2007 at 04:51:36PM -0700, Erik Osterman wrote:
> Anytime our database server gets restarted or when the djabberd server 
> has remained idle for an extended period of time (usually when we all go 
> home from work), the database connection to MySQL dies.
> DBD::mysql::db selectrow_array failed: MySQL server has gone away at 
> /usr/src/djabberd/trunk/DJabberd/../DJabberd-Authen-MySQL/lib/DJabberd/Authen/ 
> line 131.
> ERROR DJabberd.Connection.ClientIn             1605 disconnected 
> DJabberd::Connection::ClientIn=ARRAY(0x9e03fbc) because: DBD::mysql::db 
> selectrow_array failed: MySQL server has gone away at 
> /usr/src/djabberd/trunk/DJabberd/../DJabberd-Authen-MySQL/lib/DJabberd/Authen/ 
> line 131.
> Aside from removing the timeout limits in the my.cnf (which only 
> addresses the latter issue), is there something I can do to prevent this 
> from happening?
> Best,
> Erik

Paul Lindner        ||||| | | | |  |  |  |   |   |
lindner at
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