DJabberd and Net::Jabber
Tim Keefer
tim at
Wed May 9 02:58:16 UTC 2007
I'm trying to do some simple client server communication with djabberd
and Net::Jabber. The server starts fine, but when connecting with
Net::Jabber or Net::XMPP it just hangs on the connect method. Are
there some other client libraries I should using when communicating
with the djabberd server? Below is the djabberd conf and the
Net::Jabber script.
--- client script
use strict;
use Net::Jabber;
my $jabconn = Net::Jabber::Client->new();
"hostname" => "",
"port" => 5222,
"username" => 'test',
"password" => 'password'
) or die "Cannot connect ($!)\n";
warn( 'conntected ' );
--- djabberd.conf
OldSSL enable
ClientPort 5222
ServerPort 5269
AdminPort 5200
SSLCertificateFile /root/src/djabberd/server-cert.pem
SSLCertificateKeyFile /root/src/djabberd/server-key.pem
S2S enable
RequireSSL yes
<Plugin DJabberd::Authen::AllowedUsers>
Policy accept
AllowedUsers brad crucially test tkeefer
<Plugin DJabberd::Authen::StaticPassword>
Password password
<Plugin DJabberd::PresenceChecker::Local />
<Plugin DJabberd::Delivery::Local />
<Plugin DJabberd::Delivery::S2S />
<Plugin DJabberd::RosterStorage::SQLite>
Database roster.sqlite
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