[memcached] bradfitz, r304: first shot at some poor XS/C code to spe...

commits at code.sixapart.com commits at code.sixapart.com
Tue Jul 18 04:20:16 UTC 2006

first shot at some poor XS/C code to speed up memcached client side.

A   trunk/api/xs/
A   trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/
A   trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/Changes
A   trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/GetParserXS.xs
A   trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/MANIFEST
A   trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/Makefile.PL
A   trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/README
A   trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/const-c.inc
A   trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/const-xs.inc
A   trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/fallback/
A   trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/fallback/const-c.inc
A   trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/fallback/const-xs.inc
A   trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/lib/
A   trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/lib/Cache/
A   trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/lib/Cache/Memcached/
A   trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/lib/Cache/Memcached/GetParserXS.pm
A   trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/ppport.h
A   trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/t/
A   trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/t/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS.t

Added: trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/Changes
--- trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/Changes	2006-07-18 04:16:10 UTC (rev 303)
+++ trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/Changes	2006-07-18 04:25:43 UTC (rev 304)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+Revision history for Perl extension Cache::Memcached::GetParserXS.
+0.01  Mon Jul 17 22:03:06 2006
+	- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
+		-n Cache::Memcached::GetParserXS

Added: trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/GetParserXS.xs
--- trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/GetParserXS.xs	2006-07-18 04:16:10 UTC (rev 303)
+++ trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/GetParserXS.xs	2006-07-18 04:25:43 UTC (rev 304)
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+#include "EXTERN.h"
+#include "perl.h"
+#include "XSUB.h"
+#include "ppport.h"
+#include "const-c.inc"
+#define DEST     0  /* destination hashref we're writing into */
+#define NSLEN    1  /* length of namespace to ignore on keys */
+#define ON_ITEM  2
+#define BUF      3  /* read buffer */
+#define STATE    4  /* 0 = waiting for a line, N = reading N bytes */
+#define OFFSET   5  /* offsets to read into buffers */
+#define FLAGS    6
+#define KEY      7  /* current key we're parsing (without the namespace prefix) */
+#define DEBUG    0
+int get_nslen (AV* self) {
+  SV** svp = av_fetch(self, NSLEN, 0);
+  if (svp)
+    return SvIV((SV*) *svp);
+  return 0;
+void set_key (AV* self, const char *key) {
+  av_store(self, KEY, newSVpv(key, strlen(key)));
+SV *get_key_sv (AV* self) {
+  SV** svp = av_fetch(self, KEY, 0);
+  if (svp)
+    return (SV*) *svp;
+  return 0;
+SV *get_on_item (AV* self) {
+  SV** svp = av_fetch(self, ON_ITEM, 0);
+  if (svp)
+    return (SV*) *svp;
+  return 0;
+void set_flags (AV* self, int flags) {
+  av_store(self, FLAGS, newSViv(flags));
+void set_offset (AV* self, int offset) {
+  av_store(self, OFFSET, newSViv(offset));
+void set_state (AV* self, int state) {
+  av_store(self, STATE, newSViv(state));
+HV* get_dest (AV* self) {
+  SV** svp = av_fetch(self, DEST, 0);
+  if (svp)
+    return (HV*) SvRV(*svp);
+  return 0;
+int get_state (AV* self) {
+  SV** svp = av_fetch(self, STATE, 0);
+  if (svp)
+    return SvIV((SV*) *svp);
+  return 0;
+SV* get_buffer (AV* self) {
+  SV** svp = av_fetch(self, BUF, 0);
+  if (svp)
+    return *svp;
+  return 0;
+/* returns an answer, but also unsets ON_ITEM */
+int final_answer (AV* self, int ans) {
+  av_store(self, ON_ITEM, newSV(0));
+  return ans;
+int parse_buffer (SV* selfref) {
+  AV* self = (AV*) SvRV(selfref);
+  HV* ret = get_dest(self);
+  SV* bufsv = get_buffer(self);
+  STRLEN len;
+  char* buf;
+  char key[257];
+  unsigned int itemlen;
+  unsigned int flags;
+  int scanned;
+  int nslen = get_nslen(self);
+  SV* on_item = get_on_item(self);
+  if (DEBUG)
+    printf("get_buffer (nslen = %d)...\n", nslen);
+  while (1) {
+    int rv;
+    buf = SvPV(bufsv, len);
+    if (DEBUG)
+      printf(" buf (len=%d) = [%s]\n", len, buf);
+    scanned = 0;
+    rv = sscanf(buf, "VALUE %256s %u %u%n", key, &flags, &itemlen, &scanned);
+    if (DEBUG)
+      printf("rv=%d, scanned=%d, one=[%d], two=[%d]\n",
+             rv, scanned, buf[scanned], buf[scanned+1]);
+    if (rv >= 3 && scanned && buf[scanned] == '\r' && buf[scanned + 1] == '\n') {
+      int p     = scanned + 2;      /* 2 to skip \r\n */
+      int state = itemlen + 2;      /* 2 to include reading final \r\n, a different \r\n */
+      int copy  = len - p > state ? state : len - p;
+      char *barekey = key + nslen;
+      if (DEBUG)
+        printf("key=[%s], state=%d, copy=%d\n", key, state, copy);
+      if (copy) {
+        //SV*  newSVpv(const char*, STRLEN);
+        //SV**  hv_store(HV*, const char* key, U32 klen, SV* val, U32 hash);
+        /*  $ret->{$self->[KEY]} = substr($self->[BUF], $p, $copy) */
+        hv_store(ret, barekey, strlen(barekey), newSVpv(buf + p, copy), 0);
+        buf[p + copy - 1] = '\0';
+        if (DEBUG)
+          printf("doing store:  len=%d key=[%s] of data [%s]\n",
+                 strlen(barekey), barekey,
+                 buf + p);
+      }
+      /* delete the stuff we used */
+      sv_chop(bufsv, buf + p + copy);
+      if (copy == state) {
+        dSP ;
+         /* have it all? */
+        ENTER ;
+        SAVETMPS ;
+        PUSHMARK(SP) ;
+        XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv(barekey, strlen(barekey))));
+        XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv(flags)));
+        PUTBACK ;
+        call_sv(on_item, G_VOID | G_DISCARD);
+        FREETMPS ;
+        LEAVE ;
+        set_offset(self, 0);
+        set_state(self, 0);
+        continue;
+      } else {
+        /* don't have it all... but buffer is now empty */
+        set_offset(self, copy);
+        set_flags(self, flags);
+        set_key(self, barekey);
+        set_state(self, state);
+        if (DEBUG)
+          printf("don't have it all.... have '%d' of '%d'\n",
+                 copy, state);
+        return 0; /* return saying '0', not done */
+      }
+    }
+    if (strncmp(buf, "END\r\n", 5) == 0) {
+      /* we're done successfully, return 1 to finish */
+      return final_answer(self, 1);
+    }
+    /* # if we're here probably means we only have a partial VALUE
+       # or END line in the buffer. Could happen with multi-get,
+       # though probably very rarely. Exit the loop and let it read
+       # more.
+       # but first, make sure subsequent reads don't destroy our
+       # partial VALUE/END line.
+    */
+    set_offset(self, len);
+    return 0;
+  }
+int parse_from_sock_xx (SV* selfref, SV* sock, int sockfd) {
+  int res;
+  AV* self = (AV*) SvRV(selfref);
+  HV* ret = get_dest(self);
+  int state = get_state(self);
+  if (state) {
+    //res = read(sockfd, *buf, state);
+  }
+  printf("fileno = %d\n", sockfd);
+  printf("got = %x, state = %d\n", ret, state);
+  return -1;
+  /*
+    # where are we reading into?
+    if ($self->[STATE]) { # reading value into $ret
+        $res = sysread($sock, $ret->{$self->[KEY]},
+                       $self->[STATE] - $self->[OFFSET],
+                       $self->[OFFSET]);
+        return 0
+            if !defined($res) and $!==EWOULDBLOCK;
+        if ($res == 0) { # catches 0=conn closed or undef=error
+            $self->[ON_ITEM] = undef;
+            return -1;
+        }
+        $self->[OFFSET] += $res;
+        if ($self->[OFFSET] == $self->[STATE]) { # finished reading
+            $self->[ON_ITEM]->($self->[KEY], $self->[FLAGS]);
+            $self->[OFFSET] = 0;
+            $self->[STATE]  = 0;
+            # wait for another VALUE line or END...
+        }
+        return 0; # still working, haven't got to end yet
+    }
+    # we're reading a single line.
+    # first, read whatever's there, but be satisfied with 2048 bytes
+    $res = sysread($sock, $self->[BUF],
+                   2048, $self->[OFFSET]);
+    return 0
+        if !defined($res) and $!==EWOULDBLOCK;
+    if ($res == 0) {
+        $self->[ON_ITEM] = undef;
+        return -1;
+    }
+    $self->[OFFSET] += $res;
+  */
+MODULE = Cache::Memcached::GetParserXS		PACKAGE = Cache::Memcached::GetParserXS		
+INCLUDE: const-xs.inc
+parse_from_sock_xx ( self, sock, sockfd )
+    SV *self
+    SV *sock
+    int sockfd
+parse_buffer ( self )
+    SV *self

Added: trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/MANIFEST
--- trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/MANIFEST	2006-07-18 04:16:10 UTC (rev 303)
+++ trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/MANIFEST	2006-07-18 04:25:43 UTC (rev 304)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@

Added: trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/Makefile.PL
--- trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/Makefile.PL	2006-07-18 04:16:10 UTC (rev 303)
+++ trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/Makefile.PL	2006-07-18 04:25:43 UTC (rev 304)
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+use 5.008004;
+use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+# See lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker.pm for details of how to influence
+# the contents of the Makefile that is written.
+              OPTIMIZE => '-g',
+    NAME              => 'Cache::Memcached::GetParserXS',
+    VERSION_FROM      => 'lib/Cache/Memcached/GetParserXS.pm', # finds $VERSION
+    PREREQ_PM         => {}, # e.g., Module::Name => 1.1
+    ($] >= 5.005 ?     ## Add these new keywords supported since 5.005
+      (ABSTRACT_FROM  => 'lib/Cache/Memcached/GetParserXS.pm', # retrieve abstract from module
+       AUTHOR         => 'LiveJournal user <lj@>') : ()),
+    LIBS              => [''], # e.g., '-lm'
+    DEFINE            => '', # e.g., '-DHAVE_SOMETHING'
+    INC               => '-I.', # e.g., '-I. -I/usr/include/other'
+        # Un-comment this if you add C files to link with later:
+    # OBJECT            => '$(O_FILES)', # link all the C files too
+if  (eval {require ExtUtils::Constant; 1}) {
+  # If you edit these definitions to change the constants used by this module,
+  # you will need to use the generated const-c.inc and const-xs.inc
+  # files to replace their "fallback" counterparts before distributing your
+  # changes.
+  my @names = (qw());
+  ExtUtils::Constant::WriteConstants(
+                                     NAME         => 'Cache::Memcached::GetParserXS',
+                                     NAMES        => \@names,
+                                     DEFAULT_TYPE => 'IV',
+                                     C_FILE       => 'const-c.inc',
+                                     XS_FILE      => 'const-xs.inc',
+                                  );
+else {
+  use File::Copy;
+  use File::Spec;
+  foreach my $file ('const-c.inc', 'const-xs.inc') {
+    my $fallback = File::Spec->catfile('fallback', $file);
+    copy ($fallback, $file) or die "Can't copy $fallback to $file: $!";
+  }

Added: trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/README
--- trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/README	2006-07-18 04:16:10 UTC (rev 303)
+++ trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/README	2006-07-18 04:25:43 UTC (rev 304)
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS version 0.01
+The README is used to introduce the module and provide instructions on
+how to install the module, any machine dependencies it may have (for
+example C compilers and installed libraries) and any other information
+that should be provided before the module is installed.
+A README file is required for CPAN modules since CPAN extracts the
+README file from a module distribution so that people browsing the
+archive can use it get an idea of the modules uses. It is usually a
+good idea to provide version information here so that people can
+decide whether fixes for the module are worth downloading.
+To install this module type the following:
+   perl Makefile.PL
+   make
+   make test
+   make install
+This module requires these other modules and libraries:
+  blah blah blah
+Put the correct copyright and licence information here.
+Copyright (C) 2006 by LiveJournal user
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.4 or,
+at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.

Added: trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/const-c.inc
--- trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/const-c.inc	2006-07-18 04:16:10 UTC (rev 303)
+++ trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/const-c.inc	2006-07-18 04:25:43 UTC (rev 304)
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+#define PERL_constant_NOTFOUND	1
+#define PERL_constant_NOTDEF	2
+#define PERL_constant_ISIV	3
+#define PERL_constant_ISNO	4
+#define PERL_constant_ISNV	5
+#define PERL_constant_ISPV	6
+#define PERL_constant_ISPVN	7
+#define PERL_constant_ISSV	8
+#define PERL_constant_ISUNDEF	9
+#define PERL_constant_ISUV	10
+#define PERL_constant_ISYES	11
+#ifndef NVTYPE
+typedef double NV; /* 5.6 and later define NVTYPE, and typedef NV to it.  */
+#ifndef aTHX_
+#define aTHX_ /* 5.6 or later define this for threading support.  */
+#ifndef pTHX_
+#define pTHX_ /* 5.6 or later define this for threading support.  */
+static int
+constant (pTHX_ const char *name, STRLEN len) {
+  /* Initially switch on the length of the name.  */
+  /* When generated this function returned values for the list of names given
+     in this section of perl code.  Rather than manually editing these functions
+     to add or remove constants, which would result in this comment and section
+     of code becoming inaccurate, we recommend that you edit this section of
+     code, and use it to regenerate a new set of constant functions which you
+     then use to replace the originals.
+     Regenerate these constant functions by feeding this entire source file to
+     perl -x
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use ExtUtils::Constant qw (constant_types C_constant XS_constant);
+my $types = {map {($_, 1)} qw()};
+my @names = (qw());
+print constant_types(); # macro defs
+foreach (C_constant ("Cache::Memcached::GetParserXS", 'constant', 'IV', $types, undef, 3, @names) ) {
+    print $_, "\n"; # C constant subs
+print "#### XS Section:\n";
+print XS_constant ("Cache::Memcached::GetParserXS", $types);
+   */
+  switch (len) {
+  }
+  return PERL_constant_NOTFOUND;

Added: trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/const-xs.inc
--- trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/const-xs.inc	2006-07-18 04:16:10 UTC (rev 303)
+++ trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/const-xs.inc	2006-07-18 04:25:43 UTC (rev 304)
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+#ifdef dXSTARG
+	dXSTARG; /* Faster if we have it.  */
+	STRLEN		len;
+        int		type;
+	/* IV		iv;	Uncomment this if you need to return IVs */
+	/* NV		nv;	Uncomment this if you need to return NVs */
+	/* const char	*pv;	Uncomment this if you need to return PVs */
+    INPUT:
+	SV *		sv;
+        const char *	s = SvPV(sv, len);
+    PPCODE:
+	type = constant(aTHX_ s, len);
+      /* Return 1 or 2 items. First is error message, or undef if no error.
+           Second, if present, is found value */
+        switch (type) {
+        case PERL_constant_NOTFOUND:
+          sv = sv_2mortal(newSVpvf("%s is not a valid Cache::Memcached::GetParserXS macro", s));
+          PUSHs(sv);
+          break;
+        case PERL_constant_NOTDEF:
+          sv = sv_2mortal(newSVpvf(
+	    "Your vendor has not defined Cache::Memcached::GetParserXS macro %s, used", s));
+          PUSHs(sv);
+          break;
+	/* Uncomment this if you need to return IVs
+        case PERL_constant_ISIV:
+          EXTEND(SP, 1);
+          PUSHs(&PL_sv_undef);
+          PUSHi(iv);
+          break; */
+	/* Uncomment this if you need to return NOs
+        case PERL_constant_ISNO:
+          EXTEND(SP, 1);
+          PUSHs(&PL_sv_undef);
+          PUSHs(&PL_sv_no);
+          break; */
+	/* Uncomment this if you need to return NVs
+        case PERL_constant_ISNV:
+          EXTEND(SP, 1);
+          PUSHs(&PL_sv_undef);
+          PUSHn(nv);
+          break; */
+	/* Uncomment this if you need to return PVs
+        case PERL_constant_ISPV:
+          EXTEND(SP, 1);
+          PUSHs(&PL_sv_undef);
+          PUSHp(pv, strlen(pv));
+          break; */
+	/* Uncomment this if you need to return PVNs
+        case PERL_constant_ISPVN:
+          EXTEND(SP, 1);
+          PUSHs(&PL_sv_undef);
+          PUSHp(pv, iv);
+          break; */
+	/* Uncomment this if you need to return SVs
+        case PERL_constant_ISSV:
+          EXTEND(SP, 1);
+          PUSHs(&PL_sv_undef);
+          PUSHs(sv);
+          break; */
+	/* Uncomment this if you need to return UNDEFs
+        case PERL_constant_ISUNDEF:
+          break; */
+	/* Uncomment this if you need to return UVs
+        case PERL_constant_ISUV:
+          EXTEND(SP, 1);
+          PUSHs(&PL_sv_undef);
+          PUSHu((UV)iv);
+          break; */
+	/* Uncomment this if you need to return YESs
+        case PERL_constant_ISYES:
+          EXTEND(SP, 1);
+          PUSHs(&PL_sv_undef);
+          PUSHs(&PL_sv_yes);
+          break; */
+        default:
+          sv = sv_2mortal(newSVpvf(
+	    "Unexpected return type %d while processing Cache::Memcached::GetParserXS macro %s, used",
+               type, s));
+          PUSHs(sv);
+        }

Added: trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/fallback/const-c.inc
--- trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/fallback/const-c.inc	2006-07-18 04:16:10 UTC (rev 303)
+++ trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/fallback/const-c.inc	2006-07-18 04:25:43 UTC (rev 304)
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+#define PERL_constant_NOTFOUND	1
+#define PERL_constant_NOTDEF	2
+#define PERL_constant_ISIV	3
+#define PERL_constant_ISNO	4
+#define PERL_constant_ISNV	5
+#define PERL_constant_ISPV	6
+#define PERL_constant_ISPVN	7
+#define PERL_constant_ISSV	8
+#define PERL_constant_ISUNDEF	9
+#define PERL_constant_ISUV	10
+#define PERL_constant_ISYES	11
+#ifndef NVTYPE
+typedef double NV; /* 5.6 and later define NVTYPE, and typedef NV to it.  */
+#ifndef aTHX_
+#define aTHX_ /* 5.6 or later define this for threading support.  */
+#ifndef pTHX_
+#define pTHX_ /* 5.6 or later define this for threading support.  */
+static int
+constant (pTHX_ const char *name, STRLEN len) {
+  /* Initially switch on the length of the name.  */
+  /* When generated this function returned values for the list of names given
+     in this section of perl code.  Rather than manually editing these functions
+     to add or remove constants, which would result in this comment and section
+     of code becoming inaccurate, we recommend that you edit this section of
+     code, and use it to regenerate a new set of constant functions which you
+     then use to replace the originals.
+     Regenerate these constant functions by feeding this entire source file to
+     perl -x
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use ExtUtils::Constant qw (constant_types C_constant XS_constant);
+my $types = {map {($_, 1)} qw()};
+my @names = (qw());
+print constant_types(); # macro defs
+foreach (C_constant ("Cache::Memcached::GetParserXS", 'constant', 'IV', $types, undef, 3, @names) ) {
+    print $_, "\n"; # C constant subs
+print "#### XS Section:\n";
+print XS_constant ("Cache::Memcached::GetParserXS", $types);
+   */
+  switch (len) {
+  }
+  return PERL_constant_NOTFOUND;

Added: trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/fallback/const-xs.inc
--- trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/fallback/const-xs.inc	2006-07-18 04:16:10 UTC (rev 303)
+++ trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/fallback/const-xs.inc	2006-07-18 04:25:43 UTC (rev 304)
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+#ifdef dXSTARG
+	dXSTARG; /* Faster if we have it.  */
+	STRLEN		len;
+        int		type;
+	/* IV		iv;	Uncomment this if you need to return IVs */
+	/* NV		nv;	Uncomment this if you need to return NVs */
+	/* const char	*pv;	Uncomment this if you need to return PVs */
+    INPUT:
+	SV *		sv;
+        const char *	s = SvPV(sv, len);
+    PPCODE:
+	type = constant(aTHX_ s, len);
+      /* Return 1 or 2 items. First is error message, or undef if no error.
+           Second, if present, is found value */
+        switch (type) {
+        case PERL_constant_NOTFOUND:
+          sv = sv_2mortal(newSVpvf("%s is not a valid Cache::Memcached::GetParserXS macro", s));
+          PUSHs(sv);
+          break;
+        case PERL_constant_NOTDEF:
+          sv = sv_2mortal(newSVpvf(
+	    "Your vendor has not defined Cache::Memcached::GetParserXS macro %s, used", s));
+          PUSHs(sv);
+          break;
+	/* Uncomment this if you need to return IVs
+        case PERL_constant_ISIV:
+          EXTEND(SP, 1);
+          PUSHs(&PL_sv_undef);
+          PUSHi(iv);
+          break; */
+	/* Uncomment this if you need to return NOs
+        case PERL_constant_ISNO:
+          EXTEND(SP, 1);
+          PUSHs(&PL_sv_undef);
+          PUSHs(&PL_sv_no);
+          break; */
+	/* Uncomment this if you need to return NVs
+        case PERL_constant_ISNV:
+          EXTEND(SP, 1);
+          PUSHs(&PL_sv_undef);
+          PUSHn(nv);
+          break; */
+	/* Uncomment this if you need to return PVs
+        case PERL_constant_ISPV:
+          EXTEND(SP, 1);
+          PUSHs(&PL_sv_undef);
+          PUSHp(pv, strlen(pv));
+          break; */
+	/* Uncomment this if you need to return PVNs
+        case PERL_constant_ISPVN:
+          EXTEND(SP, 1);
+          PUSHs(&PL_sv_undef);
+          PUSHp(pv, iv);
+          break; */
+	/* Uncomment this if you need to return SVs
+        case PERL_constant_ISSV:
+          EXTEND(SP, 1);
+          PUSHs(&PL_sv_undef);
+          PUSHs(sv);
+          break; */
+	/* Uncomment this if you need to return UNDEFs
+        case PERL_constant_ISUNDEF:
+          break; */
+	/* Uncomment this if you need to return UVs
+        case PERL_constant_ISUV:
+          EXTEND(SP, 1);
+          PUSHs(&PL_sv_undef);
+          PUSHu((UV)iv);
+          break; */
+	/* Uncomment this if you need to return YESs
+        case PERL_constant_ISYES:
+          EXTEND(SP, 1);
+          PUSHs(&PL_sv_undef);
+          PUSHs(&PL_sv_yes);
+          break; */
+        default:
+          sv = sv_2mortal(newSVpvf(
+	    "Unexpected return type %d while processing Cache::Memcached::GetParserXS macro %s, used",
+               type, s));
+          PUSHs(sv);
+        }

Added: trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/lib/Cache/Memcached/GetParserXS.pm
--- trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/lib/Cache/Memcached/GetParserXS.pm	2006-07-18 04:16:10 UTC (rev 303)
+++ trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/lib/Cache/Memcached/GetParserXS.pm	2006-07-18 04:25:43 UTC (rev 304)
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+package Cache::Memcached::GetParserXS;
+use 5.006;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Carp;
+require Exporter;
+use AutoLoader;
+our @ISA = qw(Exporter Cache::Memcached::GetParser);
+# Items to export into callers namespace by default. Note: do not export
+# names by default without a very good reason. Use EXPORT_OK instead.
+# Do not simply export all your public functions/methods/constants.
+# This allows declaration       use Cache::Memcached::GetParserXS ':all';
+# If you do not need this, moving things directly into @EXPORT or @EXPORT_OK
+# will save memory.
+our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [ qw(
+) ] );
+our @EXPORT_OK = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } );
+our @EXPORT = qw(
+our $VERSION = '0.01';
+    # This AUTOLOAD is used to 'autoload' constants from the constant()
+    # XS function.
+    my $constname;
+    our $AUTOLOAD;
+    ($constname = $AUTOLOAD) =~ s/.*:://;
+    croak "&Cache::Memcached::GetParserXS::constant not defined" if $constname eq 'constant';
+    my ($error, $val) = constant($constname);
+    if ($error) { croak $error; }
+    {
+        no strict 'refs';
+        # Fixed between 5.005_53 and 5.005_61
+#XXX    if ($] >= 5.00561) {
+#XXX        *$AUTOLOAD = sub () { $val };
+#XXX    }
+#XXX    else {
+            *$AUTOLOAD = sub { $val };
+#XXX    }
+    }
+    goto &$AUTOLOAD;
+require XSLoader;
+XSLoader::load('Cache::Memcached::GetParserXS', $VERSION);
+# Preloaded methods go here.
+# Autoload methods go after =cut, and are processed by the autosplit program.
+# Below is stub documentation for your module. You'd better edit it!
+=head1 NAME
+Cache::Memcached::GetParserXS - Perl extension for blah blah blah
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+  use Cache::Memcached::GetParserXS;
+  blah blah blah
+Stub documentation for Cache::Memcached::GetParserXS, created by h2xs. It looks like the
+author of the extension was negligent enough to leave the stub
+Blah blah blah.
+=head2 EXPORT
+None by default.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+Mention other useful documentation such as the documentation of
+related modules or operating system documentation (such as man pages
+in UNIX), or any relevant external documentation such as RFCs or
+If you have a mailing list set up for your module, mention it here.
+If you have a web site set up for your module, mention it here.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+LiveJournal user, E<lt>lj at E<gt>
+Copyright (C) 2006 by LiveJournal user
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.4 or,
+at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.

Added: trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/ppport.h
--- trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/ppport.h	2006-07-18 04:16:10 UTC (rev 303)
+++ trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/ppport.h	2006-07-18 04:25:43 UTC (rev 304)
@@ -0,0 +1,1102 @@
+/* ppport.h -- Perl/Pollution/Portability Version 2.011 
+ *
+ * Automatically Created by Devel::PPPort on Mon Jul 17 22:03:06 2006 
+ *
+ * Do NOT edit this file directly! -- Edit PPPort.pm instead.
+ *
+ * Version 2.x, Copyright (C) 2001, Paul Marquess.
+ * Version 1.x, Copyright (C) 1999, Kenneth Albanowski.
+ * This code may be used and distributed under the same license as any
+ * version of Perl.
+ * 
+ * This version of ppport.h is designed to support operation with Perl
+ * installations back to 5.004, and has been tested up to 5.8.1.
+ *
+ * If this version of ppport.h is failing during the compilation of this
+ * module, please check if a newer version of Devel::PPPort is available
+ * on CPAN before sending a bug report.
+ *
+ * If you are using the latest version of Devel::PPPort and it is failing
+ * during compilation of this module, please send a report to perlbug at perl.com
+ *
+ * Include all following information:
+ *
+ *  1. The complete output from running "perl -V"
+ *
+ *  2. This file.
+ *
+ *  3. The name & version of the module you were trying to build.
+ *
+ *  4. A full log of the build that failed.
+ *
+ *  5. Any other information that you think could be relevant.
+ *
+ *
+ * For the latest version of this code, please retreive the Devel::PPPort
+ * module from CPAN.
+ * 
+ */
+ * In order for a Perl extension module to be as portable as possible
+ * across differing versions of Perl itself, certain steps need to be taken.
+ * Including this header is the first major one, then using dTHR is all the
+ * appropriate places and using a PL_ prefix to refer to global Perl
+ * variables is the second.
+ *
+ */
+/* If you use one of a few functions that were not present in earlier
+ * versions of Perl, please add a define before the inclusion of ppport.h
+ * for a static include, or use the GLOBAL request in a single module to
+ * produce a global definition that can be referenced from the other
+ * modules.
+ * 
+ * Function:            Static define:           Extern define:
+ *
+ */
+/* To verify whether ppport.h is needed for your module, and whether any
+ * special defines should be used, ppport.h can be run through Perl to check
+ * your source code. Simply say:
+ * 
+ * 	perl -x ppport.h *.c *.h *.xs foo/bar*.c [etc]
+ * 
+ * The result will be a list of patches suggesting changes that should at
+ * least be acceptable, if not necessarily the most efficient solution, or a
+ * fix for all possible problems. It won't catch where dTHR is needed, and
+ * doesn't attempt to account for global macro or function definitions,
+ * nested includes, typemaps, etc.
+ * 
+ * In order to test for the need of dTHR, please try your module under a
+ * recent version of Perl that has threading compiled-in.
+ *
+ */ 
+ at ARGV = ("*.xs") if !@ARGV;
+%badmacros = %funcs = %macros = (); $replace = 0;
+foreach (<DATA>) {
+	$funcs{$1} = 1 if /Provide:\s+(\S+)/;
+	$macros{$1} = 1 if /^#\s*define\s+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/;
+	$replace = $1 if /Replace:\s+(\d+)/;
+	$badmacros{$2}=$1 if $replace and /^#\s*define\s+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+).*?\s+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/;
+	$badmacros{$1}=$2 if /Replace (\S+) with (\S+)/;
+foreach $filename (map(glob($_), at ARGV)) {
+	unless (open(IN, "<$filename")) {
+		warn "Unable to read from $file: $!\n";
+		next;
+	}
+	print "Scanning $filename...\n";
+	$c = ""; while (<IN>) { $c .= $_; } close(IN);
+	$need_include = 0; %add_func = (); $changes = 0;
+	$has_include = ($c =~ /#.*include.*ppport/m);
+	foreach $func (keys %funcs) {
+		if ($c =~ /#.*define.*\bNEED_$func(_GLOBAL)?\b/m) {
+			if ($c !~ /\b$func\b/m) {
+				print "If $func isn't needed, you don't need to request it.\n" if
+				$changes += ($c =~ s/^.*#.*define.*\bNEED_$func\b.*\n//m);
+			} else {
+				print "Uses $func\n";
+				$need_include = 1;
+			}
+		} else {
+			if ($c =~ /\b$func\b/m) {
+				$add_func{$func} =1 ;
+				print "Uses $func\n";
+				$need_include = 1;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if (not $need_include) {
+		foreach $macro (keys %macros) {
+			if ($c =~ /\b$macro\b/m) {
+				print "Uses $macro\n";
+				$need_include = 1;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	foreach $badmacro (keys %badmacros) {
+		if ($c =~ /\b$badmacro\b/m) {
+			$changes += ($c =~ s/\b$badmacro\b/$badmacros{$badmacro}/gm);
+			print "Uses $badmacros{$badmacro} (instead of $badmacro)\n";
+			$need_include = 1;
+		}
+	}
+	if (scalar(keys %add_func) or $need_include != $has_include) {
+		if (!$has_include) {
+			$inc = join('',map("#define NEED_$_\n", sort keys %add_func)).
+			       "#include \"ppport.h\"\n";
+			$c = "$inc$c" unless $c =~ s/#.*include.*XSUB.*\n/$&$inc/m;
+		} elsif (keys %add_func) {
+			$inc = join('',map("#define NEED_$_\n", sort keys %add_func));
+			$c = "$inc$c" unless $c =~ s/^.*#.*include.*ppport.*$/$inc$&/m;
+		}
+		if (!$need_include) {
+			print "Doesn't seem to need ppport.h.\n";
+			$c =~ s/^.*#.*include.*ppport.*\n//m;
+		}
+		$changes++;
+	}
+	if ($changes) {
+		require POSIX; use Fcntl;
+		for(;;) {
+		    $tmp = POSIX::tmpnam();
+		    sysopen(OUT, $tmp, O_CREAT|O_WRONLY|O_EXCL, 0700) && last;
+		}
+		print OUT $c;
+		close(OUT);
+		open(DIFF, "diff -u $filename $tmp|");
+		while (<DIFF>) { s!$tmp!$filename.patched!; print STDOUT; }
+		close(DIFF);
+		unlink($tmp);
+	} else {
+		print "Looks OK\n";
+	}
+#ifndef _P_P_PORTABILITY_H_
+#define _P_P_PORTABILITY_H_
+#       include <patchlevel.h>
+#   endif
+#   if !(defined(PERL_VERSION) || (defined(SUBVERSION) && defined(PATCHLEVEL)))
+#       include <could_not_find_Perl_patchlevel.h>
+#   endif
+#   ifndef PERL_REVISION
+#	define PERL_REVISION	(5)
+        /* Replace: 1 */
+        /* Replace PERL_PATCHLEVEL with PERL_VERSION */
+        /* Replace: 0 */
+#   endif
+/* It is very unlikely that anyone will try to use this with Perl 6 
+   (or greater), but who knows.
+ */
+#	error ppport.h only works with Perl version 5
+#endif /* PERL_REVISION != 5 */
+#ifndef ERRSV
+#	define ERRSV perl_get_sv("@",FALSE)
+#if (PERL_VERSION < 4) || ((PERL_VERSION == 4) && (PERL_SUBVERSION <= 5))
+/* Replace: 1 */
+#	define PL_Sv		Sv
+#	define PL_compiling	compiling
+#	define PL_copline	copline
+#	define PL_curcop	curcop
+#	define PL_curstash	curstash
+#	define PL_defgv		defgv
+#	define PL_dirty		dirty
+#	define PL_dowarn	dowarn
+#	define PL_hints		hints
+#	define PL_na		na
+#	define PL_perldb	perldb
+#	define PL_rsfp_filters	rsfp_filters
+#	define PL_rsfpv		rsfp
+#	define PL_stdingv	stdingv
+#	define PL_sv_no		sv_no
+#	define PL_sv_undef	sv_undef
+#	define PL_sv_yes	sv_yes
+/* Replace: 0 */
+#  if (defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__cplusplus)) || defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
+#    define PERL_UNUSED_DECL
+#  else
+#    define PERL_UNUSED_DECL __attribute__((unused))
+#  endif
+#ifndef dNOOP
+#  define NOOP (void)0
+#  define dNOOP extern int Perl___notused PERL_UNUSED_DECL
+#ifndef dTHR
+#  define dTHR          dNOOP
+#ifndef dTHX
+#  define dTHX          dNOOP
+#  define dTHXa(x)      dNOOP
+#  define dTHXoa(x)     dNOOP
+#ifndef pTHX
+#    define pTHX	void
+#    define pTHX_
+#    define aTHX
+#    define aTHX_
+#ifndef dAX
+#   define dAX I32 ax = MARK - PL_stack_base + 1
+#ifndef dITEMS
+#   define dITEMS I32 items = SP - MARK
+/* IV could also be a quad (say, a long long), but Perls
+ * capable of those should have IVSIZE already. */
+#if !defined(IVSIZE) && defined(LONGSIZE)
+#ifndef IVSIZE
+#   define IVSIZE 4 /* A bold guess, but the best we can make. */
+#ifndef UVSIZE
+#   define UVSIZE IVSIZE
+#ifndef NVTYPE
+#   if defined(USE_LONG_DOUBLE) && defined(HAS_LONG_DOUBLE)
+#       define NVTYPE long double
+#   else
+#       define NVTYPE double
+#   endif
+typedef NVTYPE NV;
+#ifndef INT2PTR
+#  define PTRV                  UV
+#  define INT2PTR(any,d)        (any)(d)
+#    define PTRV                unsigned long
+#  else
+#    define PTRV                unsigned
+#  endif
+#  define INT2PTR(any,d)        (any)(PTRV)(d)
+#define NUM2PTR(any,d)  (any)(PTRV)(d)
+#define PTR2IV(p)       INT2PTR(IV,p)
+#define PTR2UV(p)       INT2PTR(UV,p)
+#define PTR2NV(p)       NUM2PTR(NV,p)
+#  define PTR2ul(p)     (unsigned long)(p)
+#  define PTR2ul(p)     INT2PTR(unsigned long,p)        
+#endif /* !INT2PTR */
+#ifndef boolSV
+#	define boolSV(b) ((b) ? &PL_sv_yes : &PL_sv_no)
+#ifndef gv_stashpvn
+#	define gv_stashpvn(str,len,flags) gv_stashpv(str,flags)
+#ifndef newSVpvn
+#	define newSVpvn(data,len) ((len) ? newSVpv ((data), (len)) : newSVpv ("", 0))
+#ifndef newRV_inc
+/* Replace: 1 */
+#	define newRV_inc(sv) newRV(sv)
+/* Replace: 0 */
+/* DEFSV appears first in 5.004_56 */
+#ifndef DEFSV
+#  define DEFSV	GvSV(PL_defgv)
+#ifndef SAVE_DEFSV
+#    define SAVE_DEFSV SAVESPTR(GvSV(PL_defgv))
+#ifndef newRV_noinc
+#  ifdef __GNUC__
+#    define newRV_noinc(sv)               \
+      ({                                  \
+          SV *nsv = (SV*)newRV(sv);       \
+          SvREFCNT_dec(sv);               \
+          nsv;                            \
+      })
+#  else
+#    if defined(USE_THREADS)
+static SV * newRV_noinc (SV * sv)
+          SV *nsv = (SV*)newRV(sv);       
+          SvREFCNT_dec(sv);               
+          return nsv;                     
+#    else
+#      define newRV_noinc(sv)    \
+        (PL_Sv=(SV*)newRV(sv), SvREFCNT_dec(sv), (SV*)PL_Sv)
+#    endif
+#  endif
+/* Provide: newCONSTSUB */
+/* newCONSTSUB from IO.xs is in the core starting with 5.004_63 */
+#if (PERL_VERSION < 4) || ((PERL_VERSION == 4) && (PERL_SUBVERSION < 63))
+#if defined(NEED_newCONSTSUB)
+extern void newCONSTSUB(HV * stash, char * name, SV *sv);
+#if defined(NEED_newCONSTSUB) || defined(NEED_newCONSTSUB_GLOBAL)
+HV *stash;
+char *name;
+SV *sv;
+	U32 oldhints = PL_hints;
+	HV *old_cop_stash = PL_curcop->cop_stash;
+	HV *old_curstash = PL_curstash;
+	line_t oldline = PL_curcop->cop_line;
+	PL_curcop->cop_line = PL_copline;
+	PL_hints &= ~HINT_BLOCK_SCOPE;
+	if (stash)
+		PL_curstash = PL_curcop->cop_stash = stash;
+	newSUB(
+#if (PERL_VERSION < 3) || ((PERL_VERSION == 3) && (PERL_SUBVERSION < 22))
+     /* before 5.003_22 */
+		start_subparse(),
+#  if (PERL_VERSION == 3) && (PERL_SUBVERSION == 22)
+     /* 5.003_22 */
+     		start_subparse(0),
+#  else
+     /* 5.003_23  onwards */
+     		start_subparse(FALSE, 0),
+#  endif
+		newSVOP(OP_CONST, 0, newSVpv(name,0)),
+		newSVOP(OP_CONST, 0, &PL_sv_no),   /* SvPV(&PL_sv_no) == "" -- GMB */
+		newSTATEOP(0, Nullch, newSVOP(OP_CONST, 0, sv))
+	);
+	PL_hints = oldhints;
+	PL_curcop->cop_stash = old_cop_stash;
+	PL_curstash = old_curstash;
+	PL_curcop->cop_line = oldline;
+#endif /* newCONSTSUB */
+#ifndef START_MY_CXT
+ * Boilerplate macros for initializing and accessing interpreter-local
+ * data from C.  All statics in extensions should be reworked to use
+ * this, if you want to make the extension thread-safe.  See ext/re/re.xs
+ * for an example of the use of these macros.
+ *
+ * Code that uses these macros is responsible for the following:
+ * 1. #define MY_CXT_KEY to a unique string, e.g. "DynaLoader_guts"
+ * 2. Declare a typedef named my_cxt_t that is a structure that contains
+ *    all the data that needs to be interpreter-local.
+ * 3. Use the START_MY_CXT macro after the declaration of my_cxt_t.
+ * 4. Use the MY_CXT_INIT macro such that it is called exactly once
+ *    (typically put in the BOOT: section).
+ * 5. Use the members of the my_cxt_t structure everywhere as
+ *    MY_CXT.member.
+ * 6. Use the dMY_CXT macro (a declaration) in all the functions that
+ *    access MY_CXT.
+ */
+#if defined(MULTIPLICITY) || defined(PERL_OBJECT) || \
+    defined(PERL_CAPI)    || defined(PERL_IMPLICIT_CONTEXT)
+/* This must appear in all extensions that define a my_cxt_t structure,
+ * right after the definition (i.e. at file scope).  The non-threads
+ * case below uses it to declare the data as static. */
+#define START_MY_CXT
+/* Fetches the SV that keeps the per-interpreter data. */
+#define dMY_CXT_SV \
+	SV *my_cxt_sv = perl_get_sv(MY_CXT_KEY, FALSE)
+#else /* >= perl5.004_68 */
+#define dMY_CXT_SV \
+	SV *my_cxt_sv = *hv_fetch(PL_modglobal, MY_CXT_KEY,		\
+				  sizeof(MY_CXT_KEY)-1, TRUE)
+#endif /* < perl5.004_68 */
+/* This declaration should be used within all functions that use the
+ * interpreter-local data. */
+#define dMY_CXT	\
+	dMY_CXT_SV;							\
+	my_cxt_t *my_cxtp = INT2PTR(my_cxt_t*,SvUV(my_cxt_sv))
+/* Creates and zeroes the per-interpreter data.
+ * (We allocate my_cxtp in a Perl SV so that it will be released when
+ * the interpreter goes away.) */
+#define MY_CXT_INIT \
+	dMY_CXT_SV;							\
+	/* newSV() allocates one more than needed */			\
+	my_cxt_t *my_cxtp = (my_cxt_t*)SvPVX(newSV(sizeof(my_cxt_t)-1));\
+	Zero(my_cxtp, 1, my_cxt_t);					\
+	sv_setuv(my_cxt_sv, PTR2UV(my_cxtp))
+/* This macro must be used to access members of the my_cxt_t structure.
+ * e.g. MYCXT.some_data */
+#define MY_CXT		(*my_cxtp)
+/* Judicious use of these macros can reduce the number of times dMY_CXT
+ * is used.  Use is similar to pTHX, aTHX etc. */
+#define pMY_CXT		my_cxt_t *my_cxtp
+#define pMY_CXT_	pMY_CXT,
+#define _pMY_CXT	,pMY_CXT
+#define aMY_CXT		my_cxtp
+#define aMY_CXT_	aMY_CXT,
+#define _aMY_CXT	,aMY_CXT
+#else /* single interpreter */
+#define START_MY_CXT	static my_cxt_t my_cxt;
+#define dMY_CXT_SV	dNOOP
+#define dMY_CXT		dNOOP
+#define MY_CXT		my_cxt
+#define pMY_CXT		void
+#define pMY_CXT_
+#define _pMY_CXT
+#define aMY_CXT
+#define aMY_CXT_
+#define _aMY_CXT
+#endif /* START_MY_CXT */
+#ifndef IVdf
+#       define	IVdf		"ld"
+#       define	UVuf		"lu"
+#       define	UVof		"lo"
+#       define	UVxf		"lx"
+#       define	UVXf		"lX"
+#   else
+#       if IVSIZE == INTSIZE
+#           define	IVdf	"d"
+#           define	UVuf	"u"
+#           define	UVof	"o"
+#           define	UVxf	"x"
+#           define	UVXf	"X"
+#       endif
+#   endif
+#ifndef NVef
+#   if defined(USE_LONG_DOUBLE) && defined(HAS_LONG_DOUBLE) && \
+	defined(PERL_PRIfldbl) /* Not very likely, but let's try anyway. */ 
+#       define NVef		PERL_PRIeldbl
+#       define NVff		PERL_PRIfldbl
+#       define NVgf		PERL_PRIgldbl
+#   else
+#       define NVef		"e"
+#       define NVff		"f"
+#       define NVgf		"g"
+#   endif
+#ifndef AvFILLp			/* Older perls (<=5.003) lack AvFILLp */
+#   define AvFILLp AvFILL
+#ifdef SvPVbyte
+#   if PERL_REVISION == 5 && PERL_VERSION < 7
+       /* SvPVbyte does not work in perl-5.6.1, borrowed version for 5.7.3 */
+#       undef SvPVbyte
+#       define SvPVbyte(sv, lp) \
+          ((SvFLAGS(sv) & (SVf_POK|SVf_UTF8)) == (SVf_POK) \
+           ? ((lp = SvCUR(sv)), SvPVX(sv)) : my_sv_2pvbyte(aTHX_ sv, &lp))
+       static char *
+       my_sv_2pvbyte(pTHX_ register SV *sv, STRLEN *lp)
+       {   
+           sv_utf8_downgrade(sv,0);
+           return SvPV(sv,*lp);
+       }
+#   endif
+#   define SvPVbyte SvPV
+#ifndef SvPV_nolen
+#   define SvPV_nolen(sv) \
+        ((SvFLAGS(sv) & (SVf_POK)) == SVf_POK \
+         ? SvPVX(sv) : sv_2pv_nolen(sv))
+    static char *
+    sv_2pv_nolen(pTHX_ register SV *sv)
+    {   
+        STRLEN n_a;
+        return sv_2pv(sv, &n_a);
+    }
+#ifndef get_cv
+#   define get_cv(name,create) perl_get_cv(name,create)
+#ifndef get_sv
+#   define get_sv(name,create) perl_get_sv(name,create)
+#ifndef get_av
+#   define get_av(name,create) perl_get_av(name,create)
+#ifndef get_hv
+#   define get_hv(name,create) perl_get_hv(name,create)
+#ifndef call_argv
+#   define call_argv perl_call_argv
+#ifndef call_method
+#   define call_method perl_call_method
+#ifndef call_pv
+#   define call_pv perl_call_pv
+#ifndef call_sv
+#   define call_sv perl_call_sv
+#ifndef eval_pv
+#   define eval_pv perl_eval_pv
+#ifndef eval_sv
+#   define eval_sv perl_eval_sv
+#if (PERL_VERSION > 6) || ((PERL_VERSION == 6) && (PERL_SUBVERSION >= 1))
+#define I32_CAST
+#define I32_CAST (I32*)
+#ifndef grok_hex
+static UV _grok_hex (char *string, STRLEN *len, I32 *flags, NV *result) {
+    NV r = scan_hex(string, *len, I32_CAST len);
+    if (r > UV_MAX) {
+        *flags |= PERL_SCAN_GREATER_THAN_UV_MAX;
+        if (result) *result = r;
+        return UV_MAX;
+    }
+    return (UV)r;
+#   define grok_hex(string, len, flags, result)     \
+        _grok_hex((string), (len), (flags), (result))
+#ifndef grok_oct
+static UV _grok_oct (char *string, STRLEN *len, I32 *flags, NV *result) {
+    NV r = scan_oct(string, *len, I32_CAST len);
+    if (r > UV_MAX) {
+        *flags |= PERL_SCAN_GREATER_THAN_UV_MAX;
+        if (result) *result = r;
+        return UV_MAX;
+    }
+    return (UV)r;
+#   define grok_oct(string, len, flags, result)     \
+        _grok_oct((string), (len), (flags), (result))
+#if !defined(grok_bin) && defined(scan_bin)
+static UV _grok_bin (char *string, STRLEN *len, I32 *flags, NV *result) {
+    NV r = scan_bin(string, *len, I32_CAST len);
+    if (r > UV_MAX) {
+        *flags |= PERL_SCAN_GREATER_THAN_UV_MAX;
+        if (result) *result = r;
+        return UV_MAX;
+    }
+    return (UV)r;
+#   define grok_bin(string, len, flags, result)     \
+        _grok_bin((string), (len), (flags), (result))
+#ifndef IN_LOCALE
+#   define IN_LOCALE \
+#   define IN_LOCALE_RUNTIME   (PL_curcop->op_private & HINT_LOCALE)
+#ifndef IS_NUMBER_IN_UV
+#   define IS_NUMBER_IN_UV		            0x01   
+#   define IS_NUMBER_GREATER_THAN_UV_MAX    0x02
+#   define IS_NUMBER_NOT_INT	            0x04
+#   define IS_NUMBER_NEG		            0x08
+#   define IS_NUMBER_INFINITY	            0x10 
+#   define IS_NUMBER_NAN                    0x20  
+#ifndef grok_numeric_radix
+#   define GROK_NUMERIC_RADIX(sp, send) grok_numeric_radix(aTHX_ sp, send)
+#define grok_numeric_radix Perl_grok_numeric_radix
+Perl_grok_numeric_radix(pTHX_ const char **sp, const char *send)
+#if (PERL_VERSION > 6) || ((PERL_VERSION == 6) && (PERL_SUBVERSION >= 1))
+    if (PL_numeric_radix_sv && IN_LOCALE) { 
+        STRLEN len;
+        char* radix = SvPV(PL_numeric_radix_sv, len);
+        if (*sp + len <= send && memEQ(*sp, radix, len)) {
+            *sp += len;
+            return TRUE; 
+        }
+    }
+    /* pre5.6.0 perls don't have PL_numeric_radix_sv so the radix
+     * must manually be requested from locale.h */
+#include <locale.h>
+    struct lconv *lc = localeconv();
+    char *radix = lc->decimal_point;
+    if (radix && IN_LOCALE) { 
+        STRLEN len = strlen(radix);
+        if (*sp + len <= send && memEQ(*sp, radix, len)) {
+            *sp += len;
+            return TRUE; 
+        }
+    }
+#endif /* PERL_VERSION */
+#endif /* USE_LOCALE_NUMERIC */
+    /* always try "." if numeric radix didn't match because
+     * we may have data from different locales mixed */
+    if (*sp < send && **sp == '.') {
+        ++*sp;
+        return TRUE;
+    }
+    return FALSE;
+#endif /* grok_numeric_radix */
+#ifndef grok_number
+#define grok_number Perl_grok_number
+Perl_grok_number(pTHX_ const char *pv, STRLEN len, UV *valuep)
+  const char *s = pv;
+  const char *send = pv + len;
+  const UV max_div_10 = UV_MAX / 10;
+  const char max_mod_10 = UV_MAX % 10;
+  int numtype = 0;
+  int sawinf = 0;
+  int sawnan = 0;
+  while (s < send && isSPACE(*s))
+    s++;
+  if (s == send) {
+    return 0;
+  } else if (*s == '-') {
+    s++;
+    numtype = IS_NUMBER_NEG;
+  }
+  else if (*s == '+')
+  s++;
+  if (s == send)
+    return 0;
+  /* next must be digit or the radix separator or beginning of infinity */
+  if (isDIGIT(*s)) {
+    /* UVs are at least 32 bits, so the first 9 decimal digits cannot
+       overflow.  */
+    UV value = *s - '0';
+    /* This construction seems to be more optimiser friendly.
+       (without it gcc does the isDIGIT test and the *s - '0' separately)
+       With it gcc on arm is managing 6 instructions (6 cycles) per digit.
+       In theory the optimiser could deduce how far to unroll the loop
+       before checking for overflow.  */
+    if (++s < send) {
+      int digit = *s - '0';
+      if (digit >= 0 && digit <= 9) {
+        value = value * 10 + digit;
+        if (++s < send) {
+          digit = *s - '0';
+          if (digit >= 0 && digit <= 9) {
+            value = value * 10 + digit;
+            if (++s < send) {
+              digit = *s - '0';
+              if (digit >= 0 && digit <= 9) {
+                value = value * 10 + digit;
+		        if (++s < send) {
+                  digit = *s - '0';
+                  if (digit >= 0 && digit <= 9) {
+                    value = value * 10 + digit;
+                    if (++s < send) {
+                      digit = *s - '0';
+                      if (digit >= 0 && digit <= 9) {
+                        value = value * 10 + digit;
+                        if (++s < send) {
+                          digit = *s - '0';
+                          if (digit >= 0 && digit <= 9) {
+                            value = value * 10 + digit;
+                            if (++s < send) {
+                              digit = *s - '0';
+                              if (digit >= 0 && digit <= 9) {
+                                value = value * 10 + digit;
+                                if (++s < send) {
+                                  digit = *s - '0';
+                                  if (digit >= 0 && digit <= 9) {
+                                    value = value * 10 + digit;
+                                    if (++s < send) {
+                                      /* Now got 9 digits, so need to check
+                                         each time for overflow.  */
+                                      digit = *s - '0';
+                                      while (digit >= 0 && digit <= 9
+                                             && (value < max_div_10
+                                                 || (value == max_div_10
+                                                     && digit <= max_mod_10))) {
+                                        value = value * 10 + digit;
+                                        if (++s < send)
+                                          digit = *s - '0';
+                                        else
+                                          break;
+                                      }
+                                      if (digit >= 0 && digit <= 9
+                                          && (s < send)) {
+                                        /* value overflowed.
+                                           skip the remaining digits, don't
+                                           worry about setting *valuep.  */
+                                        do {
+                                          s++;
+                                        } while (s < send && isDIGIT(*s));
+                                        numtype |=
+                                          IS_NUMBER_GREATER_THAN_UV_MAX;
+                                        goto skip_value;
+                                      }
+                                    }
+                                  }
+				                }
+                              }
+                            }
+                          }
+                        }
+                      }
+                    }
+                  }
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          }
+	    }
+      }
+    }
+    numtype |= IS_NUMBER_IN_UV;
+    if (valuep)
+      *valuep = value;
+  skip_value:
+    if (GROK_NUMERIC_RADIX(&s, send)) {
+      numtype |= IS_NUMBER_NOT_INT;
+      while (s < send && isDIGIT(*s))  /* optional digits after the radix */
+        s++;
+    }
+  }
+  else if (GROK_NUMERIC_RADIX(&s, send)) {
+    numtype |= IS_NUMBER_NOT_INT | IS_NUMBER_IN_UV; /* valuep assigned below */
+    /* no digits before the radix means we need digits after it */
+    if (s < send && isDIGIT(*s)) {
+      do {
+        s++;
+      } while (s < send && isDIGIT(*s));
+      if (valuep) {
+        /* integer approximation is valid - it's 0.  */
+        *valuep = 0;
+      }
+    }
+    else
+      return 0;
+  } else if (*s == 'I' || *s == 'i') {
+    s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'N' && *s != 'n')) return 0;
+    s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'F' && *s != 'f')) return 0;
+    s++; if (s < send && (*s == 'I' || *s == 'i')) {
+      s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'N' && *s != 'n')) return 0;
+      s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'I' && *s != 'i')) return 0;
+      s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'T' && *s != 't')) return 0;
+      s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'Y' && *s != 'y')) return 0;
+      s++;
+    }
+    sawinf = 1;
+  } else if (*s == 'N' || *s == 'n') {
+    /* XXX TODO: There are signaling NaNs and quiet NaNs. */
+    s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'A' && *s != 'a')) return 0;
+    s++; if (s == send || (*s != 'N' && *s != 'n')) return 0;
+    s++;
+    sawnan = 1;
+  } else
+    return 0;
+  if (sawinf) {
+    numtype &= IS_NUMBER_NEG; /* Keep track of sign  */
+  } else if (sawnan) {
+    numtype &= IS_NUMBER_NEG; /* Keep track of sign  */
+    numtype |= IS_NUMBER_NAN | IS_NUMBER_NOT_INT;
+  } else if (s < send) {
+    /* we can have an optional exponent part */
+    if (*s == 'e' || *s == 'E') {
+      /* The only flag we keep is sign.  Blow away any "it's UV"  */
+      numtype &= IS_NUMBER_NEG;
+      numtype |= IS_NUMBER_NOT_INT;
+      s++;
+      if (s < send && (*s == '-' || *s == '+'))
+        s++;
+      if (s < send && isDIGIT(*s)) {
+        do {
+          s++;
+        } while (s < send && isDIGIT(*s));
+      }
+      else
+      return 0;
+    }
+  }
+  while (s < send && isSPACE(*s))
+    s++;
+  if (s >= send)
+    return numtype;
+  if (len == 10 && memEQ(pv, "0 but true", 10)) {
+    if (valuep)
+      *valuep = 0;
+    return IS_NUMBER_IN_UV;
+  }
+  return 0;
+#endif /* grok_number */
+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_sv
+#   define PERL_MAGIC_sv             '\0'
+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_overload
+#   define PERL_MAGIC_overload       'A'
+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_overload_elem
+#   define PERL_MAGIC_overload_elem  'a'
+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_overload_table
+#   define PERL_MAGIC_overload_table 'c'
+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_bm
+#   define PERL_MAGIC_bm             'B'
+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_regdata
+#   define PERL_MAGIC_regdata        'D'
+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_regdatum
+#   define PERL_MAGIC_regdatum       'd'
+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_env
+#   define PERL_MAGIC_env            'E'
+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_envelem
+#   define PERL_MAGIC_envelem        'e'
+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_fm
+#   define PERL_MAGIC_fm             'f'
+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_regex_global
+#   define PERL_MAGIC_regex_global   'g'
+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_isa
+#   define PERL_MAGIC_isa            'I'
+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_isaelem
+#   define PERL_MAGIC_isaelem        'i'
+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_nkeys
+#   define PERL_MAGIC_nkeys          'k'
+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_dbfile
+#   define PERL_MAGIC_dbfile         'L'
+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_dbline
+#   define PERL_MAGIC_dbline         'l'
+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_mutex
+#   define PERL_MAGIC_mutex          'm'
+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_shared
+#   define PERL_MAGIC_shared         'N'
+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_shared_scalar
+#   define PERL_MAGIC_shared_scalar  'n'
+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_collxfrm
+#   define PERL_MAGIC_collxfrm       'o'
+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_tied
+#   define PERL_MAGIC_tied           'P'
+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_tiedelem
+#   define PERL_MAGIC_tiedelem       'p'
+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_tiedscalar
+#   define PERL_MAGIC_tiedscalar     'q'
+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_qr
+#   define PERL_MAGIC_qr             'r'
+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_sig
+#   define PERL_MAGIC_sig            'S'
+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_sigelem
+#   define PERL_MAGIC_sigelem        's'
+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_taint
+#   define PERL_MAGIC_taint          't'
+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_uvar
+#   define PERL_MAGIC_uvar           'U'
+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_uvar_elem
+#   define PERL_MAGIC_uvar_elem      'u'
+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_vstring
+#   define PERL_MAGIC_vstring        'V'
+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_vec
+#   define PERL_MAGIC_vec            'v'
+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_utf8
+#   define PERL_MAGIC_utf8           'w'
+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_substr
+#   define PERL_MAGIC_substr         'x'
+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_defelem
+#   define PERL_MAGIC_defelem        'y'
+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_glob
+#   define PERL_MAGIC_glob           '*'
+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_arylen
+#   define PERL_MAGIC_arylen         '#'
+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_pos
+#   define PERL_MAGIC_pos            '.'
+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_backref
+#   define PERL_MAGIC_backref        '<'
+#ifndef PERL_MAGIC_ext
+#   define PERL_MAGIC_ext            '~'
+#endif /* _P_P_PORTABILITY_H_ */
+/* End of File ppport.h */

Added: trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/t/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS.t
--- trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/t/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS.t	2006-07-18 04:16:10 UTC (rev 303)
+++ trunk/api/xs/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS/t/Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS.t	2006-07-18 04:25:43 UTC (rev 304)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with
+# `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl Cache-Memcached-GetParserXS.t'
+# change 'tests => 1' to 'tests => last_test_to_print';
+use Test::More tests => 1;
+BEGIN { use_ok('Cache::Memcached::GetParserXS') };
+# Insert your test code below, the Test::More module is use()ed here so read
+# its man page ( perldoc Test::More ) for help writing this test script.

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