[memcached] bradfitz, r382: don't test this here

commits at code.sixapart.com commits at code.sixapart.com
Sat Sep 9 17:16:20 UTC 2006

don't test this here

D   branches/memcached-1.1.x/t/udp.t

Deleted: branches/memcached-1.1.x/t/udp.t
--- branches/memcached-1.1.x/t/udp.t	2006-09-09 17:16:02 UTC (rev 381)
+++ branches/memcached-1.1.x/t/udp.t	2006-09-09 17:16:20 UTC (rev 382)
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use Test::More;
-use FindBin qw($Bin);
-use lib "$Bin/lib";
-use MemcachedTest;
-if (MemcachedTest::supports_udp()) {
-    plan tests => 33;
-} else {
-    plan 'skip_all' => "No UDP support in this release.";
-    exit 0;
-my $server = new_memcached();
-my $sock = $server->sock;
-# set foo (and should get it)
-print $sock "set foo 0 0 6\r\nfooval\r\n";
-is(scalar <$sock>, "STORED\r\n", "stored foo");
-mem_get_is($sock, "foo", "fooval");
-my $usock = $server->new_udp_sock
-    or die "Can't bind : $@\n";
-# test all the steps, one by one:
-# testing sequence numbers
-for my $offt (1, 1, 2) {
-    my $seq = 160 + $offt;
-    my $res = send_udp_request($usock, $seq, "get foo\r\n");
-    ok($res, "got result");
-    is(keys %$res, 1, "one key (one packet)");
-    ok($res->{0}, "only got seq number 0");
-    is(substr($res->{0}, 8), "VALUE foo 0 6\r\nfooval\r\nEND\r\n");
-    is(hexify(substr($res->{0}, 0, 2)), hexify(pack("n", $seq)), "sequence number in response ($seq) is correct");
-# testing non-existent stuff
-my $res = send_udp_request($usock, 404, "get notexist\r\n");
-ok($res, "got result");
-is(keys %$res, 1, "one key (one packet)");
-ok($res->{0}, "only got seq number 0");
-is(hexify(substr($res->{0}, 0, 2)), hexify(pack("n", 404)), "sequence number 404 correct");
-is(substr($res->{0}, 8), "END\r\n");
-# test multi-packet response
-    my $big = "abcd" x 1024;
-    my $len = length $big;
-    print $sock "set big 0 0 $len\r\n$big\r\n";
-    is(scalar <$sock>, "STORED\r\n", "stored big");
-    mem_get_is($sock, "big", $big, "big value matches");
-    my $res = send_udp_request($usock, 999, "get big\r\n");
-    is(scalar keys %$res, 3, "three packet response");
-    like($res->{0}, qr/VALUE big 0 4096/, "first packet has value line");
-    like($res->{2}, qr/\r\nEND\r\n/, "last packet has end");
-    is(hexify(substr($res->{1}, 0, 2)), hexify(pack("n", 999)), "sequence number of middle packet is correct");
-sub test_single {
-    my $usock = shift;
-    my $req = pack("nnnn", 45, 0, 1, 0);  # request id (opaque), seq num, #packets, reserved (must be 0)
-    $req .= "get foo\r\n";
-    ok(defined send($usock, $req, 0), "sent request");
-    my $rin = '';
-    vec($rin, fileno($usock), 1) = 1;
-    my $rout;
-    ok(select($rout = $rin, undef, undef, 2.0), "got readability");
-    my $sender;
-    my $res;
-    $sender = $usock->recv($res, 1500, 0);
-    my $id = pack("n", 45);
-    is(hexify(substr($res, 0, 8)), hexify($id) . '0000' . '0001' . '0000', "header is correct");
-    is(length $res, 36, '');
-    is(substr($res, 8), "VALUE foo 0 6\r\nfooval\r\nEND\r\n", "payload is as expected");
-sub hexify {
-    my $val = shift;
-    $val =~ s/(.)/sprintf("%02x", ord($1))/egs;
-    return $val;
-# returns undef on select timeout, or hashref of "seqnum" -> payload (including headers)
-sub send_udp_request {
-    my ($sock, $reqid, $req) = @_;
-    my $pkt = pack("nnnn", $reqid, 0, 1, 0);  # request id (opaque), seq num, #packets, reserved (must be 0)
-    $pkt .= $req;
-    my $fail = sub {
-        my $msg = shift;
-        warn "  FAILING send_udp because: $msg\n";
-        return undef;
-    };
-    return $fail->("send") unless send($sock, $pkt, 0);
-    my $ret = {};
-    my $got = 0;   # packets got
-    my $numpkts = undef;
-    while (!defined($numpkts) || $got < $numpkts) {
-        my $rin = '';
-        vec($rin, fileno($sock), 1) = 1;
-        my $rout;
-        return $fail->("timeout after $got packets") unless
-            select($rout = $rin, undef, undef, 1.5);
-        my $res;
-        my $sender = $sock->recv($res, 1500, 0);
-        my ($resid, $seq, $this_numpkts, $resv) = unpack("nnnn", substr($res, 0, 8));
-        die "Response ID of $resid doesn't match request if of $reqid" unless $resid == $reqid;
-        die "Reserved area not zero" unless $resv == 0;
-        die "num packets changed midstream!" if defined $numpkts && $this_numpkts != $numpkts;
-        $numpkts = $this_numpkts;
-        $ret->{$seq} = $res;
-        $got++;
-    }
-    return $ret;
-$sender = recv($usock, $ans, 1050, 0);
-    ($hispaddr = recv(SOCKET, $rtime, 4, 0))        || die "recv: $!";
-($port, $hisiaddr) = sockaddr_in($hispaddr);
-$host = gethostbyaddr($hisiaddr, AF_INET);
-$histime = unpack("N", $rtime) - $SECS_of_70_YEARS ;

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