Multiple delete

Jon Valvatne
Wed, 17 Dec 2003 21:05:07 +0100

I mean on both levels, of course. The API would do the hashing and sort
the multiple deletes into one group for each server, and run a single
multi-delete transaction against each server. This may not be worth it
if you have 10 or more servers and almost never delete more than a
hundred items in one go, but I'm guessing it would be worth it if you
have only two or three servers and frequently need to delete hundreds of
items at a time.

Of course I don't know for sure how much would be gained, since I
haven't looked at the internals; which is why my initial message was
phrased as a question and not just a simple feature request.


On Wed, 2003-12-17 at 18:55, Justin wrote:
> Ah! I thought you meant on the server level.  
> On the API level this would be rather easy to implement (at least on the PHP
> API; I'm sure the Perl API could do it too).
> It would just be a matter of writing a new method that (pseudo php-code;
> don't know how to write it in perl)
> - Took all of the keys in as an array ($del_keys)
> - Looped through $del_keys, running the hash method on them to get the
> server; create an array for each server ($servers[$server_name][] =
> 'key_to_delete')
> - Then start looping through the $servers array; connect to the server,
> issue the deletes, then disconnect
> For speed, though... I don't know if you'd really gain a whole lot.
> In the PHP API, you wouldn't gain speed at all; since it connects once to
> each server when it's first needed, and doesn't disconnect until the end of
> the script. If you had multiple deletes for the same server, the connection
> would already be open after the first -- there's no build/teardown delay.
> In fact, I think it would be faster to *not* use an aggregating method,
> since it would involves a lot of looping.
> I'm not sure if the Perl API uses persistent sockets or not (I've somehow
> managed to avoid learning Perl after 11 years, even though I know Python,
> PHP, and Java.. heh). If it doesn't, then a deletion aggregation API method
> would be useful, and might gain you a few fractions of a second.
> Justin
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Jon Valvatne
> Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2003 11:19 AM
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: RE: Multiple delete
> On Wed, 2003-12-17 at 17:13, Justin wrote: 
> > At least for my configuration, they rarely are.  The client distributes
> > objects fairly evenly among all six of my (really pathetic, underpowered)
> > memcached servers. The way the API works, it takes the key, hashes it, and
> > decides what server to store it on from the hash. 
> I realize this, but assuming a fairly low number of servers and hundreds
> of deletes in one go, the API should be able to group any multi-delete
> from the user into one (still fairly big) multi-delete for each server.