John Allspaw allspaw at
Tue Dec 7 10:51:11 PST 2004

Thanks alot for the input.  Some more context might help, but I'm
afraid of actually giving up more information than I need
question definitely has been answered in more ways than I had thanks again, everyone.

Some assumptions...we do multiple times more requests at peak than
livejournal presented that they do, from their excellent 2004 LISA
presentation. (if you haven't read it, it's quite good stuff) My
initial question about HTTP was indeed coming from a place where port
exhaustion is important, and we have these things already solved, in
many different areas of our back-end.  My question was whether or not
anyone had implemented an HTTP front end to memcached, but really, I
just have keepalives in mind when I asked that.  :)

again, thanks for the huge amount of input, and I wish I could provide
more information.  :)

p.s.  some URL hashing done at the hardware level can be done much
faster than having an ICP-like communication happen.  Netscalers are
quite good at this.

On Tue, 30 Nov 2004 09:44:39 +0000, Gregory Block <gblock at> wrote:
> On 30 Nov 2004, at 05:27, Brad Fitzpatrick wrote:
> > Local port exhaustion is an annoying problem, but easy to solve:  keep
> > your connections to memcached servers open a long time.
> >
> I have to agree, here.  We're running this in production, under heavy
> use, and the only way socket exhaustion could ever be an issue is
> because we would be opening too many connections.
> By definition, if you're opening lots of connections, you're wasting
> time in connection setup that you could have made performing that
> request; so purely from an optimisation standpoint, this would be
> sub-optimal.
> Moreover, you're *still* going to have the issue of the memcached
> servers having different contents; in effect, you're no better off than
> either having a local-memcached policy that has a memcached running on
> each machine locally (and if you're going to go that far, you might as
> well just go with IPC and get it over with; that'll be fun for a
> libevent i/f), because you've just elected to store multiple copies of
> the same content onto multiple servers in a way that isn't automated by
> some kind of in-memcached replication system (which misses the point,
> IMO).
> Client balancing works; it requires efficient access by clients, and in
> this case, that means you.  Hold your connections open unless you're
> required to close them by some kind of failure, either in protocol or
> in software; if the client you're using doesn't support concurrent
> access, arbitrate that access via a pooling mechanism that can leave a
> specific number of connections via memcached open, and can
> transparently scale those connections with load, without incurring
> construction/disposal overhead.
> Fundamentally, what you've got is an object (client) which is
> "expensive" to create (cpu, resources, doesn't matter which).  The way
> you manage that is through object pooling; don't solve in hardware what
> is fundamentally a simple software problem.
> IMO.
> :)
> I honestly can't think of a situation where a load balancer would be a
> positive step unless you also build in the replication; otherwise, the
> load balancer can't possibly improve the efficiency of the hashing
> system for cache selection, but could easily decrease the efficiency of
> cache use.
> If one was to take a sideways angle around the problem, and front a set
> of memcached clients with an HTTP server that spoke to your load
> balancers, and ensured that each server maintained a copy of the
> contents, then you could surely implement a poor-man's replication
> system; but that creates a raft of other issues which are better solved
> through native cache synchronization; and moreover, such a thing could
> be no less efficiently handled through parallel client connections and
> a thin layer over the memcached client API that managed multiple object
> pools with a worker thread that pushed updates to each of the cache
> APIs on worker threads, leaving your app to handle things
> asynchronously.
> The *only* value in the standalone central point is to ensure that
> during the write, the client could be returned asynchronously, knowing
> that until the async transaction is done, a local map of 'unsynced'
> key/value pairs could provide cached results which haven't yet been
> updated in memcached to ensure atomicity while allowing the async put
> to take place.
> I played around with that, and it's just not worth it, even in cases of
> large object serialization, in our case.  :)
> The only, the *only* thing I can think of to wish for is a better
> performing GzipOutputStream, and that's mostly because I haven't gone
> looking for either a faster compression stream in Java, or something
> backed by hardware to do that compression, and that's just a
> nice-to-have rather than a killer.
>   - If you've got connection fatigue, hold your connections around.
>   - If you can't solve that, you'll replace
> connection-fatigue-with-memcached with
> connection-fatigue-with-loadbalancer.
>   - Assuming you don't have the latter problem, you've probably got a
> solution that could have been applied to fix the former, identical
> issue.
>   - If the cost of losing a cache is too high, distribute the load
> across more caches, effectively reducing the impact of a single cache
> failure.  (And having said this, the uptimes on our caches are
> unbelievably long, even under heavy use.)
>   - If the cost of accessing cache for everything is too high, split
> cache into a "long term" cache which is retained in memcached, and a
> "short term" cache which, like human short-term memory, is kept within
> specific time/usage limits and holds a limited amount of information;
> that raises the problem of needing to keep this content in sync, but
> we're purposefully talking about small amounts of content here where
> content is pushed simultaneously into the short-term and long-term
> memory system for later recall/reuse.
>   - Keep in mind that any service you put in-between your memcached and
> your client will increase the amount of latency in accessing content in
> long-term memory, forcing you to consider implementing a short-term
> memory system anyways.
>   - If you were watching the latency in the first place, you wouldn't
> have the socket fatigue, because you'd have gotten rid of that latency
> first.  ;)
> Sorry.  I'm babbling.  It's morning, and I haven't quite had my first
> coffee yet.

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