memcached license inconsistency

Brad Fitzpatrick
Thu, 29 Jul 2004 10:42:41 -0700 (PDT)

It turns out automake automatically makes things GPLv2 if you don't have a
file called COPYING.

I'll fix this, putting the BSD license in both COPYING and LICENSE.

- Brad

On Thu, 29 Jul 2004, Michael Coulter wrote:

> memcached.c and the website say BSD-Licensed,
> memcached.c points to a file called "LICENSE" which doesn't exist.
> COPYING however, does exist.
> COPYING contains GPL v2.
> now, the million dollar question.. (with current lawyer costs this may
> be quite accurate ;) )
> Which license is memcached under, and can this somehow made
> abundantly clear ?
> Thanks,
> Mike.