Does key length require storage?
Kevin A. Burton
burton at
Mon Jan 24 16:08:52 PST 2005
Anatoly Vorobey wrote:
>It might be a good idea to mention in the docs that the key is stored
>explicitly along with the data, yes.
>In the current storage model, if you have lengthy data (say, a few times
>larger than your key length, or more), it usually won't help to shorten
>your key, since the item will end up in the same size class. If you have
>really short data, however, it will often help your memory usage to have
>shorter keys for such data.
Oh ... wow... the class size is dependent on both the key AND the data?
Hm... I guess I didn't realize. I guess this makese my java-memcached
serialized storage patches much less memory efficient.
If so then does it really make much sense to have a 2^3 size class?
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