Does a "Memcached backed on a database" exists ?

Arnaud Connois arnaud-memcached at
Tue Jan 24 10:10:04 UTC 2006

Thanks Brad, this is exaclty the concept I had in mind.

Not sure there is already PHP APIs to use that out of the mysql 
bundle... gonna investigate... but that's a question for another mailing 



Brad Fitzpatrick wrote:

>Look at "NDB".
>It's what's behind MySQL Cluster ( but you
>can use it directly, if you don't want an SQL interface.
>On Sun, 22 Jan 2006, Arnaud Connois wrote:
>>Hi all,
>>I'm a great fan of memcached, and currently using it in many of my high
>>loaded websites. The combination of a PHP/MySQL/Memcached dev is
>>wonderful, even if the bottleneck is always on the mysql database.
>>I was wondering if somebody knew about a memcached version backed on
>>database files.
>>The idea would be to have the objects in memcached also stored into a
>>BerkelyDB, for ultra fast reading in RAM but also synced regularly on
>>disk in a good database backend. This would prevent the cache from going
>>away when memcached is shutted down, and could act not only as a cache
>>but also as a database for storing objects.
>>While googling I came across something called Tugela Cache based on
>>memcached (  that seems to do
>>exactly just that, but it seems dedicated to Mediawiki use only. The
>>idea is here, and I wondered if there was a more generic implementation
>>of that concept ?
>>Any hints, URLs would be welcome.
>>Great thanks, and again thanks for the wondefull work the memcached dev
>>team does.

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