two dimensional arrays in memcache

Johannes Fosseus johannes.fosseus at
Sun Oct 8 22:29:32 UTC 2006


The memcache is kind of fantastic but I have had a big problem the
last week, please some advice about two dimensional arrays in

I'm desperately trying to do something like this in order to be able
to delete the whole group (region): I need this to delete the cached
array in a person's mailbox if the person delete a single mail in for
example page 5.

Pseudo code in php:
$key = bookmark_".$_GET['page'];
$memcache_main_obj->set($key, $memcache->set($key, $items, false, 0), false, 0);

The idea is to save all the "pages" data in a two dimensional array, I
have been reading some about this on the list but cant find out how to
get things done.

So, if anyone could write down a small php example I will go from
there by myself.

Thanks a lot - regards / Johannes.

Johannes Fosseus webbmail

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