Memcached security

Mikael Johansson mikael at
Tue May 1 07:46:33 UTC 2007


Actually, the latest release of pecl/memcache (2.1.2) supports unix
sockets, you can connect like:

$mmc = new Memcache();
$mmc->addServer('unix:///var/run/memcached/memcached.sock', 0);


$mmc = memcache_connect('unix:///var/run/memcached/memcached.sock', 0);

Don't forget that the port-number must be set to 0 (or it will default
to 11211) as in the examples above.


Roberto Spadim wrote:
> what about clients? what should be used for php? it only have tcp
> option..?!
> Brad Fitzpatrick escreveu:
>> Yes.
>> $ memcached -h
>> On Sat, 28 Apr 2007, Jason Edgecombe wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Can memcache me configured to only use a local unix instead of tcp/udp
>>> sockets? I know this kills the multiple server ability, but I'm
>>> wondering if memcached could use the local sockets and run one daemon
>>> per user in a shared-hosting style environment.
>>> Jason
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