Largest production memcached install?

Dustin Sallings dustin at
Fri May 4 17:52:33 UTC 2007

On May 4, 2007, at 1:45 , Just Marc wrote:

>>     Regarding large installs, has anyone considered a memcached  
>> proxy?  It seems that a lot could be gained by having a local  
>> proxy on your frontend servers maintaining backend connections and  
>> configuration and perform the optimizations my java client  
>> performs (converting individual gets into a single get and  
>> optimizing out duplicate gets without otherwise processing  
>> requests out of order) even across multi-process clients.
> Something like that would be a single point of failure and a  
> bottleneck bound by your favorite operating system's efficiency to  
> handle connections.   I think you would scale better if you leave  
> the decision making to the clients.

	I don't know how you figure it'd be a single point of failure or a  
bottleneck.  What I described wouldn't be any more a single point of  
failure than the processor(s) in your frontend servers.

	Barring any bugs, you could almost guarantee an efficiency increase  
similar to what I observed when I wrote my java client.  For example,  
my client will take n consecutive gets and send them as a single  
request (after deduplicating them).  It will also take a get and a  
set being performed by two different requestors and send them in the  
same packet (at least, as closely as they'll fit).

	Additionally, memcached cluster state can be pushed into such a  
proxy without forcing you to reconfigure every client on every  
platform.  This is the main reason I brought it up.  The client- 
facing side speaks memcached, and could have a few special keys like  
__server_list__ and __hash_type__ that can allow dynamic control over  
destinations.  Except for a brief pause as requests complete during a  
refresh, dynamically reconfiguring your cluster via your monitoring  
system should have no impact on your applications.

Dustin Sallings

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