An alternative to Tugela cache

howard chen howachen at
Sun Sep 2 05:00:32 UTC 2007

Want to try out but too bad it didn't came with a PHP blinding


On 9/2/07, Alberto Bertogli <albertito at> wrote:
> Hi!
> I just wanted to let you know that I wrote something that can be used
> as an alternative to Tugela cache (or memcached itself, although I don't
> think it's worth the trouble).
> It's called "nmdb", and you can find it at
> It's non blocking and can use bdb or qdbm as backends. It supports the
> TCP, UDP, SCTP and TIPC network protocols, comes with a C library, and
> has bindings for Python and (less tested) Ruby, Bigloo (scheme),
> NewLISP, D and Haskell.
> It uses a very simple binary protocol, it's "8 bit clean" (ie. it
> doesn't care about what's inside the key or the value), and currently
> has a size limitation of key + value = 64kb, but it shouldn't be hard to
> raise.
> If you have any questions or comments, please let me know. I've also set
> up a mailing list some days ago, you can find it at
> Thanks,
>                 Alberto

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