regarding what to cache???

Brian P Brooks Brian.Brooks at Colorado.EDU
Tue Sep 4 06:39:42 UTC 2007

Using Smarty should not hinder any memcached implementation of your  
site.  You still have full control of retreiving/storing data via  
cache or the database before anything gets passed to Smarty.

In your foo.php file, you must set up includes, do your scripting,  
blah blah blah, and pass your data to the template engine via methods  
like Smarty::assign().  Just make sure you do your caching before you  
assign anything to be displayed via the template engine.


On Sep 4, 2007, at 12:18 AM, K J wrote:

> It's also probably not very desirable.  I'm guessing that you're  
> doing something with that result set -- transforming it into some  
> object or representation suitable for display.  That's the thing  
> you want to cache.
> Are you saying that it's better to cache the output, as opposed to  
> SQL queries?
> For those of you familiar with PHP, what if the output is being  
> handled by Smarty? This means I can't really handle the output  
> directly.

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