[PATCH] Have memcached-tool show stats

Dan Christian dchristian at google.com
Thu Sep 20 21:54:41 UTC 2007

I added a 'stats' mode to the memcached-tool script that dumps the
output from the stats request.
I also tweaked the 'display' mode to show all slabs.

This helped me debug some problems where the client was having trouble
talking to the server (due to the change from sec:usec to sec.usec).

-Dan C
-------------- next part --------------
Index: scripts/memcached-tool
--- scripts/memcached-tool	(revision 609)
+++ scripts/memcached-tool	(working copy)
@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@
     print STDERR "ERROR: parameters out of range\n\n" unless $mode;
 } elsif ($mode eq 'dump') {
+} elsif ($mode eq 'stats') {
+    ;
 } else {
     undef $mode;
@@ -38,6 +40,7 @@
 "Usage: memcached-tool <host[:port]> [mode]\n
        memcached-tool display    # shows slabs
        memcached-tool            # same.  (default is display)
+       memcached-tool stats      # shows general stats
        memcached-tool move 7 9   # takes 1MB slab from class #7
                                                 # to class #9.
@@ -127,6 +130,26 @@
+if ($mode eq 'stats') {
+    my %items;
+    print $sock "stats\r\n";
+    while (<$sock>) {
+        last if /^END/;
+        chomp;
+        if (/^STAT\s+(\S*)\s+(.*)/) {
+            $items{$1} = $2;
+        }
+    }
+    printf ("#%-17s %5s %11s\n", $host, "Field", "Value");
+    foreach my $name (sort(keys(%items))) {
+      printf ("%24s %12s\n", $name, $items{$name});
+    }
+    exit;
 # display mode:
 my %items;  # class -> { number, age, chunk_size, chunks_per_page,
@@ -149,12 +172,15 @@
-print "  # Item_Size  Max_age  1MB_pages Full?\n";
-foreach my $n (6..17) {
+print "  #  Item_Size   Max_age  1MB_pages Count   Full?\n";
+foreach my $n (1..40) {
     my $it = $items{$n};
-    my $size = $it->{chunk_size} < 1024 ? "$it->{chunk_size} B" : 
-	sprintf("%d kB", $it->{chunk_size} / 1024);
+    next if (0 == $it->{total_pages});
+    my $size = $it->{chunk_size} < 1024 ? "$it->{chunk_size} B " : 
+	sprintf("%.1f kB", $it->{chunk_size} / 1024.0);
     my $full = $it->{free_chunks_end} == 0 ? "yes" : " no";
-    printf "%3d    %6s%7d s %7d     $full\n", $n, $size, $it->{age}, $it->{total_pages};
+    printf "%3d   %8s %7d s %7d %7d %7s\n",
+                        $n, $size, $it->{age}, $it->{total_pages},
+                        $it->{number}, $full;

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