Changing expiration

Dustin Sallings dustin at
Sat Sep 29 07:17:23 UTC 2007

   If there are updates, why not either insert a new value, or just do  
a direct invalidation?

Dustin Sallings (mobile)

On Sep 28, 2007, at 21:15, "K J" <sanbat at> wrote:

> I'm thinking of a strategy where default cache expirations are  
> really long.  However, if any updates are made, the expiration is  
> changed to 3 minutes (if the existing cache expiration is longer  
> than 3 minutes).  This way for popuplar items, the refresh isn't  
> constatn, rendering Memcache useless.  At the same time, the cache  
> isn't refreshed unnecessarily when there aren't any changes.
> What do you guys think of this?

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