Two binary protocol questions (draft, stats)

Aaron Stone aaron at
Thu Apr 3 19:41:25 UTC 2008

On Apr 3, 2008, at 12:31 PM, dormando wrote:
> Brian Aker wrote:
>> Hi!
>> On Apr 3, 2008, at 12:19 PM, Aaron Stone wrote:
>>> In any event, I think the stats key = value plain text response is  
>>> completely reasonable.
>> If you look through the code you will find that quite a bit of  
>> stats is undocumented for the protocol.
> That's partially by design; they weren't meant to be standard at  
> time of writing.
> If we can deal with a key = value setup, we could return arbitrary  
> values from arbitrary stats commands and still fit (enough) within  
> the requirements of the current commands.

Oh, there are two issues: what command/response format to use, and how  
to standardize the values?

Since stats is going to be used by automated monitoring systems, I bet  
we do have to define and freeze the semantics of the stats values  
(everyone now rolls their eyes at me, I just got this). So,  
syntactically, key = value is fine, that's not the problem.  
Semantically, I have no idea what the values are. Documentation time!


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