spymemcached, ketama, and adding new servers

Dave Peckham dave.peckham at gmail.com
Thu Mar 6 21:26:09 UTC 2008

Same (bad) results. I have uploaded the test project to

First I start my memcache instances (test is somewhat hard-coded to
these ports, but easily modifiable):

> for port in `jot 10 11211`; do memcached -p $port -d; done

Then I run the tests. Here is the output I get:

> mvn clean test
(sorry that the spy code isn't in any maven repo that I could find)

Testing with 100000 cache numEntries.
Starting first client with the partial server list.
************* server cur_items **************
localhost/ --> 11146
localhost/ --> 10983
localhost/ --> 11128
localhost/ --> 11214
localhost/ --> 10959
localhost/ --> 11230
localhost/ --> 11125
localhost/ --> 11162
localhost/ --> 11057
******************** end ********************
Got 99999 hits on initial server list.
Shutting down client...
Starting another client with the full server list.
************* server cur_items **************
localhost/ --> 11146
localhost/ --> 10983
localhost/ --> 11128
localhost/ --> 11214
localhost/ --> 10959
localhost/ --> 11230
localhost/ --> 11125
localhost/ --> 11162
localhost/ --> 11057
localhost/ --> 0
******************** end ********************
Got 10016 hits after adding the nth server.
Cache disruption % = 0.8998389983899839

I must be doing something wrong, but I can't see it. If need be, I'll
tear into the spy code, but I'm hoping that Dustin might be able to
shed some light before I undertake that. I don't mind doing it though.

Thanks all,

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