mogilefs newbie help

Mark Smith marksmith at
Thu Mar 31 13:27:27 PST 2005

Well, that's strange.  Could you do me a favor and modify
lib/Perlbal/ around line 250:

    Linux::AIO::aio_open("$path/$file", O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY, 0644, sub {
        # get the fd
        my $fd = shift;

        print STDERR "debug: fd=$fd; err=$!\n";

        # verify file was opened

I just added the print line.  If you could add that to your Perlbal and
then try again, that would enable me to try to see what is getting passed
in from the call to aio_open.

Can you also provide the version number for Perl, Linux::AIO, and whatever
distribution of Linux you're using?


On Thu, Mar 31, 2005, Robert Rogers wrote:
> Mark,
> First you rule for answering so quick.
> Second, no, I hadn't created the /var/mogdata/devN dirs just /var/mogdata (and it's owned by mogile who runs mogilefsd)  
> However,  I just created /dev1 - /dev3  (which is how many devices i have in localhost:db) mogilefs  still shows the same errror:
> system error: Unable to create file (error = Invalid argument, path = /var/mogdata//dev3/0/000/000, file = 0000000058.fid, fd = -1 (Error obtaining link inf\
> o: No such file or directory))
> On the other hand,  if I create the entire path: /var/mogdata//dev3/0/000/000, then all works perfectly.  But, I'm thinking I should have to do this.  
> Thanks for your help.
> -Rob
> On Thursday, March 31, 2005, at 12:43PM, Mark Smith <marksmith at> wrote:
> >> Mar 31 04:16:29 sls2 perlbal[30001]: system error: Unable to create 
> >> file (error = Invalid argument, \
> >> path = /var/mogdata//dev3/0/000/000, file = 0000000044.fid, fd = -1 
> >> (Error obtaining link info: No s\
> >> uch file or directory))
> >
> >Just to confirm --
> >
> >The directory /var/mogdata/dev3 exists already, and the user you're running
> >the mogstored as does have permission there, yes?
> >
> >The top-level device directories (devN under /var/mogdata) must already
> >exist before you can use mogstored.  Also, it must have permission to
> >create files there.
> >
> >That's my first thought, let me know if that's all in order and if it's
> >still broken, and we'll continue debugging!  :-)
> >
> >
> >--
> >Mark Smith
> >junior at
> >
> >

Mark Smith
junior at

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