problem with mogstored on one host

Vitaliy F. Scherbakov vaita-c at
Mon Sep 19 19:33:56 PDT 2005

Hello, All.

I have two servers, server A with IP CC.DD.EE.FF
and server B with IP GG.HH.JJ.KK. As I mentioned before. server B has 3 
HDD. And I need to replicate data on each HDD of server B.

As was suggested I create two virtual IP on server B.
Create three copies of mogstored.
Now server A has:
MogileFS.php as interface with host GG.HH.JJ.KK in constructor.
Should I add and to constructor?
Server B has:
mysql with mogilefs database,
----------------- server B MySQL dump -----------------------
mysql> select * from host;
| hostid | http_port | hostip       |
|      1 |      7500 | GG.HH.JJ.KK  |
|      2 |      7500 | |
|      3 |      7500 | |
mysql> select * from device;
| devid | hostid | status | mb_total | mb_used | mb_asof |
|     1 |      1 | alive  |   291937 |    NULL |    NULL |
|     2 |      2 | alive  |   291937 |    NULL |    NULL |
|     3 |      3 | alive  |   291937 |    NULL |    NULL |

----------------- starting NogileFS   -----------------------
/usr/bin/mogstored-GG.HH.JJ.KK --daemon
/usr/bin/mogstored- --daemon
/usr/bin/mogstored- --daemon
sudo -u SomeExistsNotRootUser /usr/bin/mogilefsd

----------------- mogstored-GG.HH.JJ.KK source --------------
my $path = "/dev1/data";
my $listen = "GG.HH.JJ.KK:7500";
my $conf = "
SERVER max_connections = 10000
CREATE SERVICE mogstored_1
SET mogstored_1.role = web_server
SET mogstored_1.listen = $listen
SET mogstored_1.docroot = $path
SET mogstored_1.dirindexing = 0
SET mogstored_1.enable_put = 1
SET mogstored_1.enable_delete = 1
SET mogstored_1.min_put_directory = 1
ENABLE mogstored_1";

----------------- mogstored- source -------------
my $path = "/dev2/data";
my $listen = "";
my $conf = "
SERVER max_connections = 10000
CREATE SERVICE mogstored_2
SET mogstored_2.role = web_server
SET mogstored_2.listen = $listen
SET mogstored_2.docroot = $path
SET mogstored_2.dirindexing = 0
SET mogstored_2.enable_put = 1
SET mogstored_2.enable_delete = 1
SET mogstored_2.min_put_directory = 1
ENABLE mogstored_2";

----------------- mogstored- source -------------
my $path = "/dev3/data";
my $listen = "";
my $conf = "
SERVER max_connections = 10000
CREATE SERVICE mogstored_3
SET mogstored_3.role = web_server
SET mogstored_3.listen = $listen
SET mogstored_3.docroot = $path
SET mogstored_3.dirindexing = 0
SET mogstored_3.enable_put = 1
SET mogstored_3.enable_delete = 1
SET mogstored_3.min_put_directory = 1
ENABLE mogstored_3";

I is it possible with such configuration save files (with replication) 
from server A and server B? Do You have any ideas?

Vitaliy F. Scherbakov.

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