Update to Ubuntu/Debian Mogile bundle - version 1.1 available

Arthur Bebak abebak at fabrikinc.com
Wed Nov 15 21:51:28 UTC 2006

I've put together a tar file with all the software pieces you need to install
the full complement of MogileFS software on Ubuntu/Debian. This is an updated,
version 1.1 of the bundle. See the Changelog for update details.

The tar file has all the Perl modules you need, a script which will apt-get
all the needed packages, instructions for checking out the subversion
copy of the latest MogileFS trunk, and a Makefile which will install the
whole thing in one go.

The purpose of this bundle is to basically take a fresh Ubuntu 6.06 Server
install and with a few commands turn it into either a storage node,
a tracker node, or perl client node for an existing MogileFS cluster. All you
need to do is modify the config files, start the daemons, and you're all set.

You can download the tar file here from myfabrik.com. Select the file
ubuntu-mogile-bundle-1.1.tar.gz and hit the little blue download arrow:


Download, untar, and follow the instructions in the INSTALL file.

Improvements and suggestions are most welcome.

Arthur Bebak
abebak at fabrikinc.com

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