mogile2.0 still doesn't like big file ?

komtanoo.pinpimai at komtanoo.pinpimai at
Wed Oct 4 14:02:07 UTC 2006

Great thanks, I forgot to mention that I needed to modify Danga::Socket
(from CPAN), to limit reading from 5M to 8k, otherwise mogstored will
crash with "Out of Memory" runtime error.

    # max 8k, or perl quits(!!)
    my $req_bytes = $bytes > 8192 ? 8192 : $bytes;

I believe this issue had been addressed long time ago, but the
Danga::Socket  in CPAN is still using 5M, I wonder if it's fixed somewhere
in the SVN and the CPAN version is just outdate ?


On Tue, October 3, 2006 7:04 pm, Brad Fitzpatrick wrote:
> I think I know the reason! ....
> Perlbal bug I think:
> The idle time isn't being reset when you're doing a PUT.  When you're
> downloading, we reset the idle time whenever there's network activity, but
>  during a PUT/upload, there's no call to the function which sets the last
>  seen activity time.
> Should be an easy fix.... I've filed this at:
> On Tue, 3 Oct 2006 komtanoo.pinpimai at wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I think I've found the reason why mogilefs2 fails to replicate big
>> file. It occurs mostly when network congests or encounters very huge
>> files, I'm testing my cluster on a 10/100 hub, so it's easy to trigger
>> the error.
>> The problem is mogstored kills any PUT connection taking longer than 30
>>  seconds, I looked into Perlbal/, I found ----
>> sub max_idle_time { 30; } ----
>> , after I change it to something like 5000;, the problem has gone, it
>> can replicate 700M without a failure.
>> My question is,
>> 1. When max_idle_time is 30, why I can download hugh file taking longer
>>  than 30 secs, but I can't PUT things longer than 30 secs ?
>> 2. should max_idle_time of PUT operation be separated from general
>> max_idle_time or just make it forever ?
>> thanks -kem
>> On Mon, October 2, 2006 9:48 pm, komtanoo.pinpimai at wrote:
>>>> Do you have a patch which fixes this?
>>> I'll try to patch it tomorrow, I'd found a problem in replicator of
>>> CVS
>>> version, I think it's the same one, I'll will let you know.
>>>> What server are you using for your storage nodes?  >mogstored
>>>> (which
>>> version?), or something else?
>>> It's original mogstored in revision 421, I didn't do anything fancy.
>>> -kem
>>> On Mon, October 2, 2006 7:45 pm, Brad Fitzpatrick wrote:
>>>> Do you have a patch which fixes this?
>>>> What server are you using for your storage nodes?  mogstored (which
>>>>  version?), or something else?
>>>> On Mon, 2 Oct 2006 komtanoo.pinpimai at wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I worked on the mogile1 on CVS for a while and it doesn't like
>>>>> big file, especially more than 200M. As in the current svn, 421,
>>>>> the replicator seems to have the same problem.
>>>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> ----
>>>>> --
>>>>> ------
>>>>> [monitor(4333)] Monitor running; scanning usage files
>>>>> [monitor(4333)] Monitor running; scanning usage files
>>>>> [replicate(4321)] Error: wrote 720896; expected to write 1048576;
>>>>> failed putting to /dev1/0/000/000/0000000015.fid [replicate(4321)]
>>>>>  Failed
>>>>> copying fid 15 from devid 5 to devid 1 (error type: dest_error)
>>>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> ----
>>>>> ---
>>>>> -----
>>>>> And it keeps trying without success. One side effect when this
>>>>> happens is client can't connect this tracker, even the "mogadm
>>>>> check" shows REQUEST FAILURE.
>>>>> I could apply a quick fix patch that I wrote for the CVS version
>>>>> to it, but it would be nice if mogile2 could get rid of this
>>>>> problem. I wonder if nobody has big file replicating problem on
>>>>> mogilefs2 ?
>>>>> thanks -kem

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