MogileFS Stops Working After a While

Niraj Bhawnani nirajb at
Tue Oct 10 16:36:45 UTC 2006

Hello everyone,

My company is currently using MogileFS for a client and we are at the 
stage where we need to migrate the client's old data (flat file) to 
MogileFS. We created a migration script using PHP. The script uses a PHP 
API we found a while back that seems to use CURL to do calls to Mogile. 
We have run the migration script on 2 machines. On one, it runs 
flawlessly, while on the other, it runs for about 1020-1030 files and 
then Mogile just seems to freeze up - on a different file every time. It 
suddenly stops saving files and we have no clue as to why this is 
happening on that machine.

Does anyone have any ideas as to what could be causing this?

Also, does Mogile have some sort of debug more or error logging that I 
can enable to understand such errors better?

- Niraj.

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