problem writing more than one thousand files

Jay Buffington jaybuffington at
Sat Sep 23 06:35:18 UTC 2006

This is something that we talked about at the summit.  This problem
happens a lot.  I think Brad suggested that mogile should refuse to
install if Linux::AIO make test failed.

Also, is there any reason why someone would want to use Linux::AIO
instead of IO::AIO?  Why should Mogile support both?  It might
simplify things if we drop Linux::AIO support and require IO::AIO.
I'd be happy to strip out Linux::AIO if people think this is a good


On 9/22/06, komtanoo.pinpimai at
<komtanoo.pinpimai at> wrote:
> Seems like you force install Linux::AIO, even it fails the tests.
> Uninstall failed Linux::AIO and install IO::AIO instead.

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