Tracker error "size_verify_error" on create_close

Brad Fitzpatrick brad at
Thu Apr 19 22:20:01 UTC 2007

What's the full response line?  size_verify_error should be returning
extra details about why it failed.

And what version?

On Thu, 19 Apr 2007, Adam Rosien wrote:

> Intermittently I get a "size_verify_error" error code from the tracker
> when calling create_close after first calling create_open and then
> PUTing the file to the storage node.  Is there a possible latency
> between completing the PUT to the storage node and when the tracker
> confirms the bytes written with the storage node, so that the
> create_close returns this error?
> I am using my own C++ code for the tracker protocol and libcurl for HTTP.
> .. Adam

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