Patch to MogileFS::Client to fetch only a range of bytes from a
Ask Bjørn Hansen
ask at
Wed May 23 01:38:43 UTC 2007
On May 22, 2007, at 18:12, Arthur Bebak wrote:
The feature would be nice - the patch needs a little cleaning up...
* How about making the new features just be options to
get_file_data? I don't think it's worthwhile to have a separate
method (and code duplication) for this.
* In the documentation example having an extra line to setup %
arg_hash is strange. Better just make the examples $mogc-
>get_file_data($key, %args) and ...get_file_data($key, length =>
1000) etc.
* I'd take out the "Note that the offset byte is included, so in
general the formula is: ..." comment. That's kinda obvious and Too
Much Information.
* the nested(?) conditionals like the following hurts my eyes. :-)
> if( exists $arg_hash{'range'} ) {
> + $range = $arg_hash{'range'};
> + } # if
> + else {
* Likewise the conditional to run ->get is unnecessary. Instead of
having an if, else with duplicate code do something like:
$res = $ua->get($path, ($range ? ("Range" => "bytes=$range") :
* When a range request is done and it's not supported; I think the
client should die (croak? -- at least warn with carp) rather than
just return undef.
- ask
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