request - help with streaming flash video through perlbal

John Berthels jjberthels at
Thu Nov 22 17:05:53 UTC 2007

On 22/11/2007, EJH Pollard <ejhpollard at> wrote:
> I've been reading with interest the posts on the mogilefs mailing list
> from April 2007 regarding FLV (flash video) streaming through perlbal.
>  I'm asking for your help because I'm not 100% sure how to modify the
> patch at
> to enable some slightly different behaviour (for a free online archive
> of the UK parliament's video coverage).


We've recently made the following local update to perlbal, heavily
based on the patch which went to the list, which adds support for two
more x-reproxy- headers back from the application:

x-reproxy-prefix - a hex encoded prefix to be prepended to the
reproxied response (a slightly generalised alternative to the original
patch's approach of hardcoding the FLV header in perlbal)

x-reproxy-additional-hdrs, a | separated list of additional headers to
add to the reproxied request (we need this since the original app
request isn't actually a partial GET, so we pass back an appropriate
Range: header to be included in the reproxied request).

(The patch also causes perlbal to advertise a new
x-reproxy-capability, 'reproxy-prefix', treating the header as a
comma-separated list).

Does anyone have any objections to my committing this?



should apply cleanly to current perlbal with 'patch -p1' in top-level dir.

diff --git a/lib/Perlbal/ b/lib/Perlbal/
index b6e774e..84f04ba 100644
--- a/lib/Perlbal/
+++ b/lib/Perlbal/
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ sub assign_client {
     $hds->header("Connection", $persist ? "keep-alive" : "close");

     if ($svc->{enable_reproxy}) {
-        $hds->header("X-Proxy-Capabilities", "reproxy-file");
+        $hds->header("X-Proxy-Capabilities", "reproxy-file, reproxy-prefix");

     # decide whether we trust the upstream or not, to give us useful
@@ -453,6 +453,13 @@ sub handle_response { # : void

     my $reproxy_cache_for = $hd->header('X-REPROXY-CACHE-FOR') || 0;

+    if ($hd->header('X-REPROXY-ADDITIONAL-HDRS')) {
+        foreach my $line (split (/\|/,
$hd->header('X-REPROXY-ADDITIONAL-HDRS'))) {
+            my ($hdr, $val) = $line =~ /^(\S*):(.*$)/;
+            $client->{reproxy_additional_hdrs}->{$hdr} = $val;
+        }
+    }
     # special cases:  reproxying and retrying after server errors:
     if ((my $rep = $hd->header('X-REPROXY-FILE')) && $self->may_reproxy) {
         # make the client begin the async IO while we move on
@@ -493,12 +500,24 @@ sub handle_response { # : void
     # if we had an alternate primary response header, make sure
     # we send the real content-length (from the reproxied URL)
     # and not the one the first server gave us
+    my $prefix;
     if ($client->{primary_res_hdrs}) {
-        $thd->header('Content-Length', $hd->header('Content-Length'));
+        # If we are adding a prefix to the reproxy, adjust content-length
+        $prefix = pack('H*',
+            if $client->{primary_res_hdrs}->header('X-REPROXY-PREFIX');
+        if (defined $prefix) {
+            $thd->header('Content-Length',
$hd->header('Content-Length') + length($prefix));
+        }
+        else {
+            $thd->header('Content-Length', $hd->header('Content-Length'));
+        }
         $thd->header('X-REPROXY-FILE', undef);
         $thd->header('X-REPROXY-URL', undef);
         $thd->header('X-REPROXY-EXPECTED-SIZE', undef);
         $thd->header('X-REPROXY-CACHE-FOR', undef);
+        $thd->header('X-REPROXY-PREFIX', undef);
+        $thd->header('X-REPROXY-ADDITIONAL-HDRS', undef);

         # also update the response code, in case of 206 partial content
         my $rescode = $hd->response_code;
@@ -508,6 +527,7 @@ sub handle_response { # : void

     print "  writing response headers to client\n" if Perlbal::DEBUG >= 3;
+    $client->write($prefix) if $prefix;

     print("  content_length=", (defined $self->{content_length} ?
$self->{content_length} : "(undef)"),
           "  remain=",         (defined
$self->{content_length_remain} ? $self->{content_length_remain} :
"(undef)"), "\n")
diff --git a/lib/Perlbal/ b/lib/Perlbal/
index 08d769f..7ff5f87 100644
--- a/lib/Perlbal/
+++ b/lib/Perlbal/
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ use fields (

             # error-retrying stuff
             'retry_count',         # number of times we've retried
this request so far after getting 500 errors
+            'reproxy_additional_hdrs',         # Headers we should
add to the reproxied request

 use constant READ_SIZE         => 131072;    # 128k, ~common TCP window size?
@@ -112,6 +113,8 @@ sub init {
     $self->{currently_reproxying} = undef;

     $self->{retry_count} = 0;
+    $self->{reproxy_additional_hdrs} = undef;

 # given a service name, re-request (GET/HEAD only) to that service, even though
@@ -234,6 +237,9 @@ sub use_reproxy_backend {
     if (my $host = $self->{req_headers}->header("Host")) {
         $extra_hdr .= "Host: $host\r\n";
+    foreach my $hdr (keys %{$self->{reproxy_additional_hdrs}}) {
+        $extra_hdr .= "$hdr: $self->{reproxy_additional_hdrs}->{$hdr}\r\n";
+    }

     my $req_method = $self->{req_headers}->request_method eq 'HEAD' ?
'HEAD' : 'GET';
     my $headers = "$req_method $datref->[2] HTTP/1.0\r\nConnection:
@@ -477,6 +483,7 @@ sub http_response_sent {
     $self->{upload_session} = undef;
     $self->{chunked_upload_state} = undef;
     $self->{request_body_length} = undef;
+    $self->{reproxy_additional_hdrs} = undef;
     return 1;

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