Domain based ACLs for MogileFS

Ask Bjørn Hansen ask at
Mon Sep 24 22:13:03 UTC 2007

On Sep 24, 2007, at 11:11 AM, Renato Pinheiro F. L. Lucindo wrote:

> Hello,
> It's possible to secure the access to MogileFS using for instance  
> Apache's ACL (for storage nodes) and TCP Wrapper on trackers  
> (Someone do something like this?).

You basically need to just not have anyone untrusted access the  
trackers directly.

Read access is easy enough as you just give an HTTP interface to the  
Mogile contents - the http doing the tracker lookups can be run by  

For writes, the easiest should be setting up a WebDav interface for  
your users to access.  You can have the users set meta data when they  
write that the HTTP interface for reads then uses to decide who has  

  - ask

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